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DOM used to trade USD/GBP futuresDOM used to trade USD/GBP futures

DOM is an acronym for Depth Of Market. The primary purpose is to show the size of the standing bids and offers for a particular product. The most common use is by futures traders and that version has additional tools for order management.

In the example on the right, The center column is a graduated ladder with each rung representing 1 tick. To the left of center are the bids and the offers are to the right. The rightmost column is the P/L for all open contracts. The leftmost column shows standing orders. These can be any combination of exit and entry orders. In this example, there is a simple exit OCO. Each order can be moved using drag-n-drop, or the OCO can be moved as a whole. Each order can also be cancelled with a click.

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All information is for educational use only and is not investment advice. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures, stocks, options and foreign exchange products. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
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