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Entries suggested by "Triple EMA Indicator NT8 v2.0"

PriceActionSwing NT7 5 *
The PriceActionSwing indicator for NinjaTrader 7.0 calculates swings in different ways and visualize them. It shows swing information like the swing length, duration, volume,... It contains a lot of features. It is also useable on the Market Analyzer.

The package contains 3 indicators:
- standard swing indicator with visualization and swing information
- Draw automatically Fibonacci extensions and retracements
- Calculate a swing statistic
- Calculate and visualize ABC patterns
- Risk management (automatically for ABC patterns)
- Calculate and visualize divergence based on an indicator
- GomCD (uncomment the "region GomCD" parts in the source code)
- swing trend visualization
- developing swing volume (repainting)

Useful to see/trade price action with HH, HL in uptrends and LL, LH in downtrends and patterns like double top/bottom, triangle,…

For more information see this thread.

Version 17 - June 5 2014
- Changed the code structure for simpler access from strategies and other indicators
If you use PriceActionSwing within other files, make sure you have a backup from the old version
- Added swing tick and swing percentage calculation
- Added swing calculation based on close values
- Added seperate swing price output
- Added developing GomCD output since the last swing
- Improved risk management items
- Added risk management tab
- Added different alerts

Version 18 - June 15 2014
- Fixed minimum swing size to < 1 for percentage settings

Version 19 - December 12 2016
- Updated to NinjaTrader 8, get NT8 version here

Starting from version 17 NinjaTrader 6.5 will not longer be supported.
Starting from version 19 NinjaTrader 7.0 will not longer be supported get NT8 version here

NinjaTrader 6.5: NO
NinjaTrader 7.0: YES
NinjaTrader 8.0: NO, see NT8 version here

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Details: PriceActionSwing NT7
Category: Free Section 

December 12th, 2016
Size: 59.19 KB
Downloaded: 37291 times
Supply Demand Zones for NT8 (MTF) 5 *
The indicator plots supply and demand based zones from various time frames on the chart. It also adds a context menu item to the default Ninjatrader context menu to hide and show active and broken zones.

Version: 1.2 | Dec. 2016

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: Supply Demand Zones for NT8 (MTF)
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

November 6th, 2016
Size: 13.33 KB
Downloaded: 7751 times

Keywords: demand supply zones
PriceActionSwing NT8 5 *
The PriceActionSwing indicator for NinjaTrader 8.0 calculates swings in different ways and visualizes them. It shows swing information like the swing length, duration, volume and many more. It contains a lot of features and it is useable in the Market Analyzer.

Strategies based on older PriceActionSwing versions will not work with this update.
Remove old PriceActionSwing versions (do a backup first) before you import the updated version.

The package contains two indicators:
- Swing indicator with visualization and swing information
- ABC patterns
- Compute divergences based on different indicators
- Naked swing lines
- Swing statistics
- Draw automatically Fibonacci extensions and retracements
- Swing trend and relation visualization
- Swing volume (repainting)

Useful to see/trade price action based on swings and patterns like double top/bottoms, wedges and many more.

For more information see this thread.

NinjaTrader 7.0: NO, see NT7 version here
NinjaTrader 8.0: YES

Category Free Section 
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Details: PriceActionSwing NT8
Category: Free Section 

September 1st, 2022
Size: 49.27 KB
Downloaded: 12713 times
SessionPivots V43 5 *
Exported using NT Version 7.0.1000.26

Indicators will only run on NT 7.0.1000.5 or later.

Family of 6 indicators to display daily, weekly and monthly pivots and OHL of current day, current week and current month. The package includes

- anaPivotsDailyV43
- anaPivotsWeeklyV43
- anaPivotsMonthlyV43

Options for the Pivot indicators: Floor pivots, pivot range, midpivots, floor pivots wide, Jackson Zones, Fibonacci pivots, Camarilla pivots, VWAP of the prior session

- anaCurrentDayOHLV43
- anaCurrentWeekOHLV43
- anaCurrentMonthOHLV43

Options for the OHL indicators: Open, high and low of the current period, Fibonacci retracement levels calculated from current high and low, noise bands, target bands based on the average daily/weekly/monthly range.

Chart settings: Please set the right side margin under chart properties to 200 to allow for correct display of the labels. The colors are adapted to dark chart backgrounds.

Session templates: The indicators require the use of a correct session template for the instrument shown on the chart. With an ETH template only ETH pivots, ETH OHL and ETH noise and target bands can be displayed. For displaying RTH pivots, it is recommend to use a multi-session template that divides the day into the night session, regular session and after-session.

Use of daily data on intraday charts: The 3 pivot indicators are designed to load daily data, if the option for "Calculate from session" is set to “Daily Bars”. This the data used by the indicator:

"Calculate from session" = "DailyBars": Pivots are entirely calculated from daily data.
"Calculate from session" = "ETH" & "Settlement/Close" = "DailyBars": High and low are taken from the full intraday sessions. The close or settlement price is taken from daily data.
"Calculate from session" = "RTH" & "Settlement/Close" = "DailyBars": High and low are taken from the regular intraday sessions. The close or settlement price is taken from daily data.
"Calculate from session" = "ETH" & "Settlement/Close" = "Intraday Close": High and low are taken from the full intraday sessions. The close is the last price traded for the full session.
"Calculate from session" = "RTH" & "Settlement/Close" = "Intraday Close": High and low are taken from the regular intraday sessions. The close is the last price traded for the regular session.

Auto setting for the 3 pivot indicators: The Auto setting will preselect ETH for FOREX and all CME currency futures, but preselect RTH for all other instruments.

VWAP: The VWAP of the prior day is always calculated from intraday data. Depending on the chart resolution it can be a few ticks off the correct value.

Auto setting for the 3 OHL indicators: The Auto setting will preselect the third intraday-session as the regular session for FOREX & currency futures, but preselect the second intraday-session for all other instruments.

Noise Bands: The OHL indicators can be used to display noise bands. The noise is determined by averaging the smaller move Min (High – Open, Open – Low) over N1 & N2 days. The average values are displayed in a data table. The noise is added to and subtracted from the current open.

Target Bands: The OHL indicators can be used to display target bands. The targets can be determined in two different ways: Either the average daily range over N1 & N2 days is added to the current low (high projection) or subtracted from the current high (low projection), or the daily expansion from the open Max(High – Open, Open – Low) is averaged over N1 & N2 days and added to and subtracted from the open. The average daily range or average daily expansion is shown in the data table.

GLOBEX holiday sessions with settlement next day: The indicators are preconfigured for Globex holiday sessions without settlement for trade date next day or later. These trade dates are President’s Day, Martin-Luther-King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labour Day and Thanksgiving. The indicators will display double day sessions for these days for all GLOBEX and NYMEX traded instruments.

Update Jan 23 2011: Globex Holiday Calendar for 2011. Holiday sessions will only be applied to Globex instruments. Price markers are now correctly formatted for US interest rate futures and FOREX.
Update May 17, 2011: New signature for GetNextBeginEnd() implemented.
Update May 24, 2011: Due to a bug, the new signature for GetNextBeginEnd() is only implemented for OnBarUpdate() but not for Plot() Override.
Update June 21, 2011: The indicator now works with half-pip FOREX feeds. Indicator dialogue box improved.
Update July 11, 2011: Indicator reshaped, small bug removed that affected weekly ETH pivots after a holiday that fell on a Monday.
Update July 20, 2011: Serialization of the plots changed.
Update December 12, 2011: Levels R5, S5 added. Some labels changed. Label size is now adjustable. Globex Holiday Calendar for 2012 added.
Update January 6, 2012: Holiday fields added for anaCurrentDayOHLV38
Update June 20, 2012: Shading added for Pivot Range and Jackson Zones
Update February 16, 2013: Indicators entirely redesigned. Holiday calendar added for 2013. The former SessionNoiseBands & Session Volatility Bands have now been integrated into the CurrentOHL indicators.
Update March 11, 2013: No added features, but 2 bugs removed that had affected the plots with specific settings.
Update March 13, 2013: Bug removed, RTH pivots did not work, when data table was unselected.
Update April 10, 2013: Plot modified for compatibility with charts built from multiple bar series
Update May 10, 2013: Regular close can now be displayed for the remaining hours of the trading day. Bug removed, which led to occasional false identification of the RTH session on charts built from ticks.
Update December 9, 2013: Holiday calendar added for 2014.
Update January 22, 2013: CurrentDayOHLV42 did not display pivots for prior days when set to RTH. Bug removed.
Update September 17, 2014: With indicator setting "RTH" current day's range is now displayed as 0 during the night session.
Update September 20, 2014: Minor update, data table for ADR/ADN now plots on top of the indicator plots. Indicator plots can now be accessed via SHIFT + mouse wheel to change the Z-Order of the indicator.
Update December 28, 2014: Holiday calendar added for 2015. Price markers improved for US interest rate futures.
Update February 11, 2015: Minor update. Formatting of ATR/Noise improved for currency pairs with quote currency JPY.

Detailed explanations how to use the indicator can be found here:

Category NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 
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dpQGPv3 5 *
Oscar Wilde said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So with thanks to the QG Better Channel authors, I have taken that indicator and modified it to better serve my trading style. Here's my dpQGP- QGPair. It is now a pair of channels, fast (Trend1 and Trend2) and slow (Trend3 and Trend4), and as price moves around those channels, signals are generated. Everything is available for your tweaking: channel coloring, signal type/color/size, channel upper and lower parameters.

In the Properties, there is a property named 'ContinuationSignals' and it has a numeric input. That number is the number of bars allowed between price falling below Trend1 and rising back above it for long signals, or price rising above Trend1 and then falling back below Trend1 for short signals. It will become clear when you see it on your chart.

There is a Toggle on the Control line at the top of the chart with options of Off, Single, and Double.
Off = no signals painted
Single = only Trend1 is considered for a signal to paint
Double = Trend1 AND Trend3 must be in agreement for a signal to paint.

You can fine tune the channels by altering their length properties which will make the channels either closer to price action or farther away. Although shown on a 144 tick chart, it works on any time period or tick period, Renko, etc.

I hope you find it useful. As always, please leave some feedback (private or public), good or bad, as it gives me ideas for making it better. Thank you. Dave P.

UPDATE! dpQGPv2 is here. May 26, 2024
It's hard to mess with something that is this useful, but I did.
Under the Parameters A properties, you will now find some options for smoothing the Trend1 cloud.
I've also added the ability to use sound files, so the chart can talk to you.
And in addition to the existing continuation signals, I've added Proximity Alert signals (Thank you Star Trek).
Although it may seem obvious, you want to initiate a trade when both trends are in agreement, and when price has pulled back to the Trend2 area.
You should ALWAYS be looking to take the trade at the 'best place to be wrong'- and not while price is extended- that means your stop loss is close by and it won't ruin your day if it gets hit.

Many thanks to all who wrote in offering suggestions. As usual, please leave some feedback. Thank you. Dave P.

UPDATE on June 19, 2024.
Gulp! It looks like my earlier 'update' was my original v1. I apologize for that mistake. This IS version 2, even though when it loads into NT8 it will still say 'dpQGP.' Again, very sorry for the inconvenience. And a shout out to Peggy for finding the error!

UPDATE on Sept 2, 2024: I have several other homegrown indicators that I use that are for sale at nominal cost. If interested, please send me a note at [email protected]. I think you'll find them useful. Thanks. Dave

UPDATE on Dec 16, 2024 In this latest version, I've extended the smoothing function onto the TrendB cloud and I've added the ability to adjust the size/color/opacity of the Trend1 line when it flatlines. This flatline segment is very telling as it is an early warning that that a crossover may be approaching with in a few bars. (Sort of like the Silver Surfer is the herald of Galactus, for you Fantastic Four fans!)

The picture shows the new flatline capability. Experiment with it. The base setting for measuring the 'flatness' is ATRs, and .05 is the value. Using .6 makes the range of 'flatness' a bit wider. The Plot control for the Flatline is 'QG1Fat' and I set mine to a width of 15. Just look at the flatline and see what price does after it leaves the end of the flatine. That's the clue. As always, leave comments here or email me. I'm always around. The download file will contain the updated indicator. It will have a date in the name. This is the new version.

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: dpQGPv3
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

July 24th, 2023
Size: 20.81 KB
Downloaded: 2001 times

Keywords: atr flatline update


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