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Why do you use TradeStation?

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  #51 (permalink)
San Francisco, California
Posts: 8 since Oct 2016
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vmodus View Post
Thanks for the feedback. I use both (Sierra for analysis, TS for trading/automation), but one TS strategy I have is tuned to fast turns in the market. Not quite HFT millisecond speed, but sensitive enough to possibly cause some excess slippage. By coincidence, I happened across a SC document just a few minutes ago on my PC and has good information about automation. I have a funny feeling I had my assistant put it together from their documentation. I am hoping to migrate over at some point in the future.


I am sure that the codes can be migrated to work with Sierra Chart. I would love to hear someone do it. I love Tradestation for its capabilities to automate and customize indicators. I have created, modified dozens of indicators that I use regularly for both stocks and futures.
After all these years of learning, I find it very easy to automate a trading strategy. I will continue to use Tradestation for these features and the slippages are just the price we pay.

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  #52 (permalink)
Boca Raton, FL
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Slippage (out of the ordinary variety) often is because is trader is trying to do too much - with the symbol/market, trying to catch news related gyrations, micro timeframes or too complex a set of coding instructions. As well as maybe their workstation specs and/or internet connection are not up to the task.

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  #53 (permalink)
Limassol, Cyprus
Posts: 17 since Sep 2019
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1) How long have you been using TradeStation?
1 year.

2) What are your favorite features of TradeStation?
easy to setup, good amount of indicators

3) What are some must-have deal breaker features in TradeStation that you could not do without?
The matrix ladder.

4) Do you use TradeStation in simulation mode only, or do you place live trades with it?
Live only.

5) Are you a discretionary trader or an algorithmic trader? How does TradeStation help you with this?
Discretionary. I have access to all the charts, ladders and orderbooks I need.

6) How easy/hard was it for you to learn to use TradeStation?
Very easy.

7) How do you rate TradeStation's customer service/support, assuming you have needed to use it?
Varying. I've have very polite calls but also had emails that were not replied to.

8) Do you believe TradeStation is competitively priced?
Terribly priced. To be clear I am talking about the pricing they offer to international clients. I opened an account with Tradesestation US to beat this only get lumped in to the high pricing for their UK operation. This is the reason I am moving to IB.

9) How do you rate the community support that exists for TradeStation?
Have never used it. I do like their webinars with guests.

If you are a US client excellent go-to. Internation clients better to go somewhere like IB.

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  #54 (permalink)
Toronto + Ontario
Posts: 5 since Sep 2020
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Thanks big mike,

This post was helpful, looking forward for more guides like this

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  #55 (permalink)
FuManChou's Avatar
Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: MultiCharts
Broker: Edge Clear LLC
Trading: MNQ
Frequency: Many times daily
Duration: Hours
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1) How long have you been using TradeStation?

5+ years

2) What are your favorite features of TradeStation?

Charting & EasyLanguage

3) What are some must-have deal breaker features in TradeStation that you could not do without?

Automated Trading & EasyLanguage

4) Do you use TradeStation in simulation mode only, or do you place live trades with it?

Both. Simulation for Algo R&D

5) Are you a discretionary trader or an algorithmic trader? How does TradeStation help you with this?

Discretionary and now moving towards algo because aint nobody got time to look at the screen. Working full time still from 8am-5pm CDT.

6) How easy/hard was it for you to learn to use TradeStation?


7) How do you rate TradeStation's customer service/support, assuming you have needed to use it?

I called into customer support about 4 times without any issues.

8) Do you believe TradeStation is competitively priced?


9) How do you rate the community support that exists for TradeStation?

As someone that does their own research and reads a lot. I rate it about a 6/10.

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  #56 (permalink)
Trend Trader's Avatar
 Trend Trader 
Meridian, MS
Experience: Advanced
Platform: NinjaTrader, MotiveWave
Broker: Stage 5 Trading, TradeStation, NinjaTrader
Trading: NQ
Frequency: Several times daily
Duration: Minutes
Posts: 59 since Jan 2023
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1) How long have you been using TradeStation? 20 years

2) What are your favorite features of TradeStation? Ability to use custom indicators. Easy chart setup, a lot of stock indicators.

3) What are some must-have deal breaker features in TradeStation that you could not do without? Live data window, use of custom indicators.

4) Do you use TradeStation in simulation mode only, or do you place live trades with it? Simulation mode.

5) Are you a discretionary trader or an algorithmic trader? How does TradeStation help you with this? Discretionary. Custom indicators, good charts for reading price/action.

6) How easy/hard was it for you to learn to use TradeStation? Reasonable easy.

7) How do you rate TradeStation's customer service/support, assuming you have needed to use it? Good.

8) Do you believe TradeStation is competitively priced? Yes, free charting with a minimum account, OK commissions.

9) How do you rate the community support that exists for TradeStation? Have not used it.

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  #57 (permalink)
 Patrick J 
Los Gatos, CA
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: TradeStation
Trading: options
Posts: 1 since May 2023
Thanks Given: 1
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1) How long have you been using TradeStation?
2 weeks

2) What are your favorite features of TradeStation?
easy language and backtesting

3) What are some must-have deal breaker features in TradeStation that you could not do without?
I am interested in automation.

4) Do you use TradeStation in simulation mode only, or do you place live trades with it?
I am still learning easylanguage

5) Are you a discretionary trader or an algorithmic trader? How does TradeStation help you with this?
plan to be an algorithmic trader

6) How easy/hard was it for you to learn to use TradeStation?
I feel it is the least friendly interface I've used compared to TOS or SSE or EdgeProX

7) How do you rate TradeStation's customer service/support, assuming you have needed to use it?
Haven't used it yet.

8) Do you believe TradeStation is competitively priced?
Not sure
9) How do you rate the community support that exists for TradeStation?
Haven't used it yet.

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  #58 (permalink)
Palo Alto
Posts: 6 since Dec 2022
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1) How long have you been using TradeStation?

2 years

2) What are your favorite features of TradeStation?
fast and customizable

3) What are some must-have deal breaker features in TradeStation that you could not do without?
not sure

4) Do you use TradeStation in simulation mode only, or do you place live trades with it?

5) Are you a discretionary trader or an algorithmic trader? How does TradeStation help you with this?

6) How easy/hard was it for you to learn to use TradeStation?

7) How do you rate TradeStation's customer service/support, assuming you have needed to use it?

8) Do you believe TradeStation is competitively priced?

9) How do you rate the community support that exists for TradeStation?

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Last Updated on August 3, 2024

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