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I am Jean-Robert Makanda, Traders from Toronto area in province of Ontario, Canada and I am Renko Bars lovers and UniRenko chart has been my dream.. Lovely and thank you for having me among your family
When I first started reading Mike's introduction, I thought to myself I could have written it. I, too, have blown up multiple trading accounts - some in a very bad way (e.g. meme stocks and crypto). However, I'm not the type of person to give up easily so I started reading trading books and discovered my biggest trading mistake - I had no trading plan! Like Benjamin Franklin said, "if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." My goal of joining this forum is to network with other traders to help me be accountable to my own trading plan, and truly become a successful trader.
I trade futures - mostly oil and silver. I use RSI, moving averages, and price action to identify potential breakouts. I would say I am a mean-reversion trader.
Hi, starting trader focusing on fast trading. Grid Spot and Futures Trading. Holding web3 coins and low value alt coins. Using Binance at the moment exclusively. Greetings Big Mike and everyone!