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Good quotes from movies for traders

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  #11 (permalink)
madLyfe's Avatar
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all quotes from one of my fav movies.. rounders..

Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker.

Why do you think the same five guys make it to the final table of the World Series of Poker EVERY YEAR? What, are they the luckiest guys in Las Vegas?

I guess the sayings' true. In the poker game of life, women are the rake

You can't lose what you don't put in the middle. But you can't win much either.

I want him to think that I am pondering a call, but all I'm really thinkin about it Vegas and the fuckin' Mirage.

It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money.

In "Confessions of a Winning Poker Player," Jack King said, "Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." It seems true to me, cause walking in here, I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking of how I lost it.

I've often seen these people, these squares at the table, short stack and long odds against them. All their outs gone. One last card in the deck that can help them. I used to wonder how they could let themselves get into such bad shape, and how the hell they thought they could turn it around.

You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.

Rule number one: Throw away your cards the moment you know they can't win.

dont believe anything you hear and only half of what you see


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For all of those traders thinking about taking a buzzsaw to their plan in the heat of battle, remember this:

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  #13 (permalink)
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A conversation every trader should be having with themselves before or (God forbid) after giving the market thousands of their hard-earned money:

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