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  #11 (permalink)
GridKing's Avatar
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Maisie View Post

gridking, i probly shd be outraged over the ryan/timmy confrontation but honestly both those guys are kind of cute when they get mad

The Blue-Ringed Octopus is kinda "cute" too ...

Resist the urge to touch if you should happen to see a blue-ringed octopus. The creature is only the size of a golf ball but contains enough poison to kill 26 humans. You may not even feel the bite, but the neurotoxins released into your bloodstream will eventually cause numbness, muscle weakness, respiratory failure, and death.

"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
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  #12 (permalink)
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eeek! horrible little creature.

i think those guys really ham it up though. honestly, it all gets a bit harry potter. bernanke's going to be he-who-cannot-be-named soon, lol. the reality is nobody knows wth to do! i don't really think it's his fault or anyone in particular - just kind of a cultural failing of all of us to face up to reality, utter the terrible truth, oh, we totally screwed up, we need to start over. words which will never be uttered by anyone in charge. it's all somebody else's fault, mr chairman i do not recall, i was on vacation, the cat ate in that appalling mf testimony today. it's all going to be ridiculous little graphs and estimations and projections and blah blah blah until 1)something totally unexpected happens, changing things for the good or 2) the debt goes out of control and things start to collapse. hoping for outcome #1!

come to think of it, *henry* potter more like it!

Du sublime au ridicule, il n'ya qu'un pas. ~Napoleon Bonaparte
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  #13 (permalink)
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Scam school Revision3 > Scam School > All Episodes , pretty good actually

"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
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  #14 (permalink)
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An Argument Against Healthcare

From the National Alliance of Funeral Directors

WASHINGTON ( [COLOR=#0000ff]The Borowitz Report[/COLOR]) – The following message was released today by the National Alliance of Funeral Directors:

This week, several Republican Supreme Court Justices have argued that the Affordable Care Act supported by the Obama Administration is unconstitutional. At the National Alliance of Funeral Directors, we couldn’t agree more.

It was Revolutionary War hero Patrick Henry who said, in 1775, “Give me liberty or give me death.” From that moment on, legal scholars have agreed that the Constitution guarantees every American the liberty to be dead. Here at the Alliance, we will fight for your right to be dead to the death.

Let’s take a look, if you will, at the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which protects every American’s right to shoot another American. It says nothing about giving the person who is shot health insurance to prevent him from dying. This cherished constitutional right to shoot people and make them dead is currently recognized in all fifty states, most recently Florida.

In commenting on the Affordable Care Act this week, Justice Samuel Alito compared the Obama healthcare plan to burial insurance. Coincidentally, burial insurance is the Republican healthcare plan, and one that we enthusiastically support. Under this plan, every American would be mandated to buy a coffin from one of our member-owned and operated funeral homes. May we recommend the Peaceful Valley Royale,™ a luxury mahogany casket with sienna satin interior and the finest imitation antique nickel handles ($2899).

As the organization representing America’s funeral directors, gravediggers, embalmers and cremators, we are confident that the Supreme Court will ultimately do the right thing and decide that healthcare flies in the face of every American’s constitutional right to the pursuit of deadness. And when they do, we’ll be waiting for you.


The National Alliance of Funeral Directors

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  #15 (permalink)
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"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
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  #16 (permalink)
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  #17 (permalink)
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Not sure where to put this, but really love this:


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  #18 (permalink)
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Greece Buys Mega Millions Ticket

Prime Minister Travels to Convenience Store in Indiana

ZIONSVILLE, INDIANA ( [COLOR=#0000ff]The Borowitz Report[/COLOR]) – In a move that raised many eyebrows among financial ministers across the Eurozone, the nation of Greece today purchased a Mega Millions lottery ticket in the hopes of winning a jackpot topping $540 million.

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos made the extraordinary purchase himself, traveling to a convenience story in Zionsville, Indiana where he briefly chatted with the Hoosier Lottery’s Mega Millions mascot.

While the odds of winning the jackpot currently stand at 1 in 176 million, experts say that the odds of Greece solving its financial problems on its own are approximately 1 in 975 zillion.

The Greek Prime Minister acknowledged that buying a Mega Millions ticket might appear to be a desperate move to the outside world, but added, “At this point it was either that or sell the Parthenon to Mark Zuckerberg.”

Asked why he purchased only one lottery ticket, Mr. Papademos said, “That’s all we had money for, and even that we had to borrow from Germany.”

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  #19 (permalink)
Lornz's Avatar
Oslo, Norway
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Maisie View Post
those were very funny, lornz! i have never seen that newstopia before - hilarious!

Thanks. Newstopia is one of my favorite shows; brilliant stuff! It's a shame that it didn't last longer...

I've posted this before, but it deserves to be posted in this thread too.

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  #20 (permalink)
GridKing's Avatar
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"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
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