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I'm in Canada and have had an Ironbeam account for at least 4 years. I found customer service to be excellent (and I don't have a big account at all). They are very responsive and helpful.
How I found Ironbeam was through GFFBrokers as there are hardly any futures brokers accepting Canadian clients that also support the NT8 platform. I've referred other trading friends who live in Canada to them too.
I can vouch for that aspect -- as it has happened to me many times as well, with vendors unhappy with NexusFi and trying to damage our reputation. They don't even disguise it well, similarly by your experience with the dates.
It is my pleasure to welcome Mike Murphy & Brandon Barr @ Ironbeam for our 397th webinar event, on Thursday, August 6th @ 4:30 PM Eastern US. This webinar was originally scheduled for July 23rd, and now rescheduled for August 6th.
The title for the event is "Live Video Ask Me Anything w/Ironbeam Brokerage Team", and bullet points include:
- Who is Ironbeam & What Trading Solutions and Technology Does Ironbeam Offer
- Free Platform and CME Market Data for 2020
- No Account Minimums
- SPAN margins across all products
- Learn About Our Direct FCM Relationship
- Live Q&A Video Panel w/ Ironbeam Directors
It is my pleasure to welcome Mike Murphy & Brandon Barr @ Ironbeam for our 397th webinar event, on Thursday, August 6th @ 4:30 PM Eastern US. This webinar was originally scheduled for July 23rd, and now rescheduled for August 6th.
Use Promo Code FUTURES.IO for $0.45 futures commissions, $0.19 micro commissions HERE. *Promotion only available to new customers. Other fees such as exchange and NFA still apply*
Mike Murphy | Director of Trading
Ironbeam Futures
Phone: 312-765-7228 | [email protected]
We are pleased to be hosting an educational webinar with David Lerman @ CME Group tomorrow, November 10th @ 4:30 PM Eastern Us.
The title is "Trading Energy Options" and topics include:
-An immersive educational experience from CME Group & Ironebam
-Master the greeks to drive opportunity in today's options markets
-Discover how QuickStrike can help manage the multidimensional nature of options
-Learn what's moving energy markets going into the new year
Use Promo Code FUTURES.IO for $0.45 futures commissions, $0.19 micro commissions HERE. *Promotion only available to new customers. Other fees such as exchange and NFA still apply*
Mike Murphy | Director of Trading
Ironbeam Futures
Phone: 312-765-7228 | [email protected]
Use Promo Code FUTURES.IO for $0.45 futures commissions, $0.19 micro commissions HERE. *Promotion only available to new customers. Other fees such as exchange and NFA still apply*
Mike Murphy | Director of Trading
Ironbeam Futures
Phone: 312-765-7228 | [email protected]