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I first encountered this approach here (an interesting paper overall, give it a read), named "moving average trend channel". I use it for some longer-term strategies, modified to use an EMAs instead of SMAs. One possible extension I've been thinking about is also adding a slope threshold to further reduce whipsaws.
I just this minute (5min before posting this) noticed your web address below your name!
Over the last 3 days, I've been looking at info on your site with great interest.
I love what you have been doing. Great work.
No wonder I liked your thread. Please continue.
Funnily enough, I came across your site via a post in Traders Laboratory.
Somebody posted a question there and I responded with my FIRST post to Traders Laboratory.
In this post, I posted a link to NexusFi (formerly BMT) where they could download the "NWT Exit Suite" I have developed.
Being the first post, it had to be vetted by the administrator. Guess what? The removed the link and references to NexusFi (formerly BMT). How childish.