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  #10641 (permalink)
xplorer's Avatar
London UK
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Trading: Futures
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RichardB View Post
Hi all!
My name is Richard, I live in Norway/Poland.
I've been in the "trading world" on and off for quite some time, and now I decided to take it seriously
Good luck to everyone! including myself LOL

Welcome Richard, and good luck!

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  #10642 (permalink)
Darvish's Avatar
New York
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George View Post
Hello guys,

Here's my story.
I was introduced to trading by an old friend of mine back in 1999. It was during my university studies. And I was doing some business with small stuff. Mostly selling and buying things. I had saved some money, and the studies started to take a whole deal of energy and time, so I decided to stop with my business in order to concentrate on my studies more.

That's when this friend of mine came in the picture. He suggested that I would "invest" my money in stocks. I went like, what are those?
I didn't knew anything at all about the markets and how things worked. Anyway, he told me to read one of those daily financial newspaper and come back to him a week later. And so I did.

Now you see this dude, had a huge ego, and when I asked him to explain how things were working he just said that he will tell me one day. But for now, he instructed me on how to open an account and later ask him for some tip.

I opened an account and started to "hang on his door" in order to get my tip. On the first tip he gave me, I doubled (I was trading warrants) my money! Man, I thought I had found true alchemy. Remember guys this was back in 1999. I don't know if you guys were in this business back then but we had the IT bubble back then. It was crazy. There were stocks that were introduced in the markets today and one week later they increased their value with 700% or more.

So I started to make big money. In the mean time, I was starting to wonder how this guy was doing all this. So I asked him. But because of his big ego, he refused to tell me. I guess he liked that I was depending on him, it helped his ego to feel valuable.

Anyway, time went by, I started to throw myself into the markets and do money on my own. It was crazy. It took me about six month to four double my portfolio, and about four month to loose it all.

It took me about one year to understand that I had made money without having the slightest idea of what I was doing. I managed to blow up one more account shortly after.

But you see, something in me didn't just let me give up. It's been said that out of hundred people, about 75% surrenders after the first hindrance. After the second one there are only left about 10%, eventually you have about 1-5% that refuses to let go. Call it, stupidity, stubbornness, obsession, goal orientation. I believe it's a mixture all of these crazy factors.

And that's where I was, amoung those 1-5% that refused to give up.
You see trading is such a wonderful thing, because it gives you freedom and independence. At least that's what all people believe that doesn't know anything about real trading. It's the worlds freaking hardest job. But yes, we have to recognize that, it really rewards you with all that, when you've done it all the way.

So, back to my story. I managed to blow up one more account again. And that's when I got tired. Tired of loosing money. Unfortunately that's not gone hold you back from loosing them . But it's a big step , in the right direction.

By that time, I had managed to learn about technical analysis, and about indicators.

It's been said, that a trader goes through four phases.

1. Being unconsciously incompetent. That's when you don't know anything about the markets. Unfortunately most people get in the markets, on the last wave of a bull market. Like me, that's why I was able to four double my account, and that's why that old friend of mine, nailed almost every tip he gave me. The only thing required is to be in the markets. Everything is going up.

2.Consciously incompetent. That's when you've realised that making money in the markets has nothing to do with buying low and sell it higher. So you start learning technical analysis. But you still loose money.

3. Consciously competent. If you haven't given up by now. You have started to gain experience. You can read the markets and feel the pulse. You're discovering that there are more advanced things that you can use;Indicators. But unfortunately you still lose money.

4. Unconsciously competent. That's the zone guys. That's where you've managed to put all the pieces together. You've been through it all. You've learned to master yourself, and you've done such a great job, that you're trading without forcing yourself to do it. You're relaxed, and all the pieces, are there. Think of the way you guys drive your cars. You don't think of it, you just do it, and it turns out perfect.

Today I'm flirting with number 4, and my goal is to make it fully and to remain there.

I went here, because I finally understood that trading had to do everything with me. So after blowing up those accounts, and because of my stubbornness, I started to understand that the answers are not in those other parts. I started to study the brain, and how it functions.
This is odd, in a way. We all have one, and it's our controll panel, but we're not spending much time at all learning how it works. We cary it around above our shoulders, and that's it.
After studying the brain, and a lot of psychology, trading psychology, clinical psychology, you name it. The answers were still not there. And where the answers stops and you can't go further, you have to pass over to the spiritual realm.

That's when I finally started to get the answers. Please, understand me right. My approach has absolutely nothing to do with religion, faith or something in that direction. But simply with the mind, and it's implementation particularly in life. Unfortunately the mind is not standing on it's own scientific column yet. But it is there, it is there in your own life, and especially in trading, in the markets. Have you ever thought about it?
Have you ever thought that the markets are moved by a collective mind. And when you feel the pulse of the markets, you're doing that because you tap into that collective mind?

So that's my story more or less, I believe that, the most important approach to trading is mental. And it has everything to do with your mind, and what lies in there.

Trade well, and may the Trend Gods be with you all!

These old posts have a lot of wisdom and I’ve noticed a difference between how people who joined this forum were approaching trading a decade ago and how different they are today. People today expect systems and indicators that immediately result in positive outcomes,

It’s work, as exemplified in this guy’s post.

The secret is knowing that trading will require TIME (2 years) to understand the various elements in the market. Give yourself two years, and allocate or have an idea of how much you’re willing to spend.

If you knew, success was inevitable, what would it cost for you to get it.

Because really it’s about how long you last. If you can last two years and you’re actively involved in the market, and being involved in the market doesn’t mean trading every day, or trading every week. It is going in there and looking at the charts, learning something new every week every month, joining forums like these, and asking questions, where you are infusing your brain with various thoughts and trading elements. Because invariably as you consume, and as you are involved, and as you are participating in the market, the timeframe is between 18 months to two years where you start to build competence. And your brain starts to put all this together.

The trading environment is a wilderness, and it’s really easy to get from point A to point B. It’s actually really easy to traverse the wilderness and be at the other end. But it requires thinking for yourself. There’s a reason why there is no legible way to become better at trading.

There’s a legible way to become an accountant, there’s a legible way to become an engineer, there’s a legible way to become, a doctor, but there’s no legible way to become a trader. And that’s a beauty of it. You stand on your own, and you use all the faculties to learn what to avoid and what not to avoid.

One thing to avoid is all the selling, If you’re a beginner and you’re already buying things, that is the path to failure and much expenditure. (spending money on a trading platform is perfectly fine. But don’t get into any monthly costs over 50 bucks a month. There are many platforms that are one time fee, or free. And in those platforms, all the indicators and bar types you need are there. Don’t buy any systems, don’t pay for monthly funded programs.)

Another thing to avoid is all these funded programs. Today you can trade micro, and be in the real market.

Remember, it’s about time. If you can last two years without giving up, you are almost there.

Stick with one strategy, don’t hop around, stick with one strategy and learn where it works. That will take two years.

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  #10643 (permalink)
Paducah, KY
Posts: 1 since Apr 2024
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Hello everyone. I've been trading for many years with mixed success, and have also been working towards maintaining consistency. I am currently using TradingView and NinjaTrader. I live in a rural small town, with a great dog named Dash (An Australian Cattle Dog) who has more energy than my body can keep up with. I'd like to learn the best ways to trade using macros in NinjaTrader, as well as better understand harmonics. I'm well versed in indicators, and have created many of my own in Pinescript. I've found that C# is far beyond my capabilities and so I appreciate the abilities of other coders. Looking forward to learning from everyone.

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  #10644 (permalink)
Puerto Rico
Posts: 1 since Sep 2022
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Hello people just looking around and make my self familiar with Futures I trade the ES and the NQ would love to learn more

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  #10645 (permalink)
blade algos
Rochester, MN
Posts: 2 since Apr 2024
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Hello everyone. I've been trading off and on for a few years now. Mostly swing trading equities and the indexes in my Roth IRA account. I studied computer science in college and worked as a software engineer for several years. I recently left my job to day trade futures full time. I'm here to meet like minded people, swap trading stories, and learn.

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  #10646 (permalink)
London, Hackney, England
Posts: 1 since Feb 2022
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I like the idea of widening ones horizon by looking at clean Sharpe Setups instead being locked into one asset, because of habit or fear,better the devil you know right? Wrong better angel 😇 everwhere, with a whiter than snow set up for wealth building

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  #10647 (permalink)
San Francisco, CA USA
Posts: 1 since May 2012
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Sorry guys. Thought I saw a old post discussing interest in a ML/AI
automatic system design live demo. Mike

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Last Updated on April 26, 2024

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