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Thanks, I trade off of candlesticks but have really wanted to incorporate DOM on NQ and ES since I trade them everyday with options and futures. Any tips on how to get a read of this? You're just looking for speed of movement at key levels?
I look for big orders in the DOM, price attracts to the big orders. I also watch the market orders to see if they move the price up or down. I observe the liquidity providers as well as they determine price a lot of times.
I'm actually looking for a good broker and platform, so interested in peoples opinions on this (I was going to create a new thread then I saw this one). Are there any cautions with using Sierra Chart I should know about?
I currently use Ninja and Tradovate but I want to have a non-CQG based feed as a secondary incase there is an outage. The Denali and Teton package seems enticing, and with some of the brokers they have partnered with I see I can get similar intraday margins as TDV/ninja.
Does anyone have any good feedback for me if I'm considering Sierra chart?
Hi, I will give you my take on Sierra. You can't go wrong with it or with the Denali/Teton service. To back up my statement, let me tell you that a few years ago I purchased a lifetime license for Ninja. I regretted it for a number of reasons. Since then, I have been using Sierra and I can say without a doubt, it's the best trading platform anywhere. It takes some time to master it, but that is true of any worthwhile piece of software. But once you do, you will never go back to Ninja - or any other platform (at least as of this writing).
I don't want to make this long, so if you have any other specific questions, let me know. Cheers.