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Broker: Advantage, Trading Technologies, OptionsCity, IQ Feed
Trading: CL, NG
Posts: 1,038 since Jul 2010
Thanks Given: 1,713
Thanks Received: 3,863
Thanks! I scaled out of 2/3's of my position before the report. Didn't quite hit my 2/3's target but dumped it before the number to play it safe. Held my remaining 1/3 and was originally targeting the ON high but the tempo was full throttle and I've been wanting to see a "repair" of 12/3's profile for a while.
having some problems,with the chart.I have the time on the chart set to ....2:30 eastern start and end at 2:30 eastern next day(pm).The vwap reverted back to the old one..weird..basically,the tpo value channel wont print in this time template.oooohhh.I found it,i had the data loading based on bars, i switched it back to days, so the vwap is better,i think...
so, i have a seperate ch for vwap only,set 2:30 pm to 2:30 pm each day
and,for the tpo value channel(time based profile, illjmust use the eth
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
Well Mr. PB is suggesting the correct time to calculate from is 6:00 EST the ETH session
I know that man knows his stuff
I was not doubting any one els....
If PB says 6:00 i would assume this is 99% correct
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
hehe...we could be in the central,scopin babes, and id be like,"PB,shes ready to go"lol...
honestly, you never know in the forum ...hows the weather down there in the sun??oh....i hear a leaf blower in the backround,you need to talk to that guy!