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Looks like we rotated nice from one are to another on the composite....targeting $91.80
I would imagen that area will get tested today now further
probably a late spike/probe into the close now we look like were coming back into developing value
time will tell
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
Sorry, I was not watching the thread and just got back, noticed that the vv posts did not show the entries and exits as I thought. My prior posts do not make as much sense without.
I had more conviction in long today after the details shared last night, which is why I decided not to get out of the first entry. That is not typical for me, but neither is the setup we got.
My first entry may have been early, but you never know with crude, it could have impusled through the roof, and I still believed once the open blew off that it would come back.
I would have preferred to hold that last one until they at least hit the top again, but will not leave an order that I cannot watch in some manner. I have before, but do not like it.
It may fit MP rules, but careful on that type of short. Always keep the bigger picture in mind. While none of this is about the price of oil, that break above the prior C leg was a red flag.
That green area is a major support zone, and for longer timeframe participants can that have meaning, as can the C break.
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
ETH is from 6:00 EST the prior day to the 5:15 electronic close the next day
RTH for CL is yes from 9:00 EST to 2:30 EST close
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"