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Is everyone on vacation or what? The activity on this thread has slowed a little
Anyways, with regards to this long from today that Ryan shared (Also took the same trade, but my target was the IBH not the yHOD like Ryan).
So, my question is, we were definitely ONE TIMEFRAMING down as we approached that level where the long was taken. Of course the trade worked out great, but when do you guys decide or what makes it say acceptable to FADE a one timeframing market? This was the optimal long entry location (Location is one of the best risk management tools - James Dalton). However, if you don't take you long at that level, instead WAITED for the one timeframing lower to end, the trade location (hence the risk) sucked on the B/O.
Do you disregard one timeframing as long as you are at your level and you have confluence of structure and intraday levels?
Thanks much
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
@greener is a better trader than I am, but just to throw my thing in here to not be on "vacation". (I backed off intentionally, I am a serial poster)
I scalped heavy today in the area you are talking about. @greener bought and managed a posiition. But for me, I started short, but then it was all about volume as we came into a proven support zone (prior LOD areas)
Not that it is "good" trading, but I was comfortable. I am in a down week, and not feeling confident enough to let anything run.
Thanks, I watch Ben's videos every night before bed and I just happened to post that question before watching the video. It;s time for bed and ready to read the blog and watch the vid.
full stop there...i didnt think we hit an excess to hold back the longs.Well, if we treat the high as the excess of the trendline, a mean rev trade at 1sd...(a stretch, i know,after anothe
r vwap bounce(eth)
not thrilled about that eth vwap bounce, see how it goes...i might be missing something here
along with the eth vwap sloping up, we had the dval on the tpo.....2 full stops
and technically we were 1 time framing, and still are...
some bad choices here(apparently)
My trade location today is obvious, weather it works or not
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"