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Broker: Advantage, Trading Technologies, OptionsCity, IQ Feed
Trading: CL, NG
Posts: 1,038 since Jul 2010
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Hey Ken,
Looks good. Its very rare that the market will make an absolute high or low in the ON session without having the RTH come back and test those levels. But you never know right?
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I have a question about using the eth vwap vs rth vwap. In my limited experience it seems that the eth vwap and its deviations provides reference levels early in the day but then the rth vwap and its deviations begins to become more "relevant" as the day goes on, for instance after 9:30 or so CST (sometimes on low volatility days the two vwaps will converge later in the day).
Do any of you have rules of thumb for when you pay attention to eth vwap vs. rth vwap? Do you watch both all day or do you have a preference for one vs. the other during different parts of the day? Thanks in advance!
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. - Frank Herbert
I dont think you will ever get a real clear awnser to this question
Recently i have only been focusing on ETH vwap for developing value and keep an eye on just RTH vwap not the Developing value
Think its just some think you have to play with and learn with time and experience
ETH seemes to be more reliable though, but the RTH developing value and vwap can come into play after a few hrs in RTH session
Hope this helps
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
Thanks Ryan - I think you're totally right that there's really no black and white answer. I am using the basic rule of thumb that I use eth vwap until about 9:30 cst and then rth vwap thereafter. Although I do keep the eth vwap up all the time because on some days it is still relevant as a reference. Agreed too that it all starts to make more sense with experience - once you've trained your subconscious to recognize these things it gets easier...
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. - Frank Herbert
Broker: Advantage, Trading Technologies, OptionsCity, IQ Feed
Trading: CL, NG
Posts: 1,038 since Jul 2010
Thanks Given: 1,713
Thanks Received: 3,863
Generally, the globex VWAP (ETH) will be the best reference for the first hour and then you'll notice as you said, the RTH and ETH will converge. The ETH can be used throughout the day though and many traders only use this setting. It comes down to a personal preference but if you were going to weigh one over the other, I'd say the ETH makes the most sense.
Of course you don't want to take a trade off a VWAP level without there being a good bigger picture confluence.