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We rotated down to an excess area below and near yesterday’s highs
I faded this area and went long using ETH vwap as confluence
We could not get any were and i ended up closing my runner off as we broke below ETH vwap around 11:25
We then ran down tried to break below todays IB were i saw buying absorption and as PB would say a mouse trap
I went for another long here and have been holding it all day expecting a spike higher
Have seen cumulative delta trying to rise all day and since lunch time we have been quietly 1 time framing higher and we till have not tested the GLOBEX extremes form the ON session
Still expecting a spike higher into the close today, at least a probe above the ON session highs
Well we tired..tested above the IB and got no higher
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
When i saw we opened up above yesterday’s range and got a nice opportunity to buy into yesterday’s extremes i though we were going to see a good day today and a possible move higher
Instead we just saw a horrid sideways range and just balanced
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
We tested below the IB and deeper into yesterday’s TPO structure were i took another long in this area using ETH vwap value lows as confluence
Got a lucky take as Crude news came out and we tested the IB highs...failed high and took out my runner for B/E again and i ended up missing the break out to the down side
We then tested Yesterdays lows were i saw buying absorption and i took a long in this area and target RTH Vwap
We ended up holding RTH vwap were i saw selling absorption and i took a short expecting a possible spike down into the close were i took my runner of before the close at the Naked POC from Mondays profile
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
Thanks for another great summary of your analysis. I am not trading this methodology but am studying it seriously and you are helping me immensely.
I had written premarket: "Watch for a test of 98.0 -98.10 previous highs and look for a reversal . If reversal , look for a retrace to NPOC at 97.45. IF BO, look for PB to look to go long. "
Is there any reason you did not go short immediately after open? I do not have the footprint chart, so I could not see order flow and I am not even sure this was a valid trade per MP.. It seems to be consistent with other trades you guys have taken..
Again.. thanks for sharing.. some great stuff here...
LoL good question....all my analysis said i should have
We opened up right at the top of the large box we have been in
Again instead of trading with the market i got tunnel vision this morning
I was doing some analysis last night and this is what i was thinking that obscured my vision this morning
1. We tested the lows of the range we have been trading in on Monday and saw very aggressive buying back into range
2. We accepted higher prices yesterdays and formed a good balance and POC to work with for today’s open
3. The face we opened gap up again this morning right at the highs i was thinking wait for a test of yesterday’s small range and balance and see if buyers respond here
We opened up in the ON session in balance and i was looking for the ON session Vwap to hold
I know what i should have done this morning now....a bit too late
Its funny how the brain works really, with trading you have to keep a big opened mind but at the same time take good decisions that you believe in
Catch 22 if you ask me, very hard thing to do
If anything i should have only been looking for a long if we opened gap up out of the range we have been in
Always learning and most important learn your self
Here was what i was hoping to see........NEVER HOPE
" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
I am trying to learn this methodology from the guys on here who trade it.. I have some basic MP charts and make an analysis premarket that I write in my personal journal. I am not trading this methodology, since I am trading live using another PA method. I then go back after trading day is finished and see if what I am thinking and learning is consistent with these guys...
So .. it was in my journal and not posted on line.. and some days my analysis has been way way off....