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Hi Mike whilst I wait for a fix for this problem with your charts can you in the meantime at least help me a with a minor other thing. I am trying to plot the weekly cumulative tick that you had on your 100k charts but struggling. Daily is easy using cumulative sum of study that resets daily but there is no such tool for the week in Sierra. How did you set your 100k cumulative TICK up so that it would reset weekly please?
I asked Sierra they suggested Summation of Study Subgraph - Periodic but that does not give the desired result and I am going in circles with them. Appreciate this may not be the best place to ask but whilst I await your fix on your graphs I thought I would ask anyway.
My best advice is create a new thread here in the Sierra Chart platform section and ask the community to help. I no longer use SC and cannot help, sorry.
When you create the new thread tag a user named aslan. He might help you out.
The update user title script to add Legendary and calculate your Market Wizard score was not running correctly. I've updated the script. Expect possible user title changes, but if anything seems wrong please report it.
Do you happen to remember your prior market wizard score?
I'm not sure how long the script was not running correctly, unfortunately. I didn't make any actual formula changes, I just made sure it was running daily.
If anyone else also believes there is an error, please speak up.