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" I will follow my rules, I will take my stops, I will be disciplined and i will work with the market....NOT AGAINST IT! Professional mind control is the key"
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
I have decided to read "Mind over Markets" first, but without even getting past the first chapter, this view immediately makes sense to me.
But this view ( where I imitated @greenr using a 1600 tick chart ) makes no sense to me whatsoever in trying to extract something useful out of the volume ladder content. I am just sitting here staring at it, zooming in and out, trying to even get what benefit it could give.
Have yet to post in this thread but was interested in this because I had something in common. About 2 years ago I got the same thing from my wife, but I didnt get to chose one, it was "I want you to get me p90x so we can do it together". Long story short I did it a few weeks and she did it a few days. There is a lot of equipment needed to do the whole program like pull up bars, free weights exc. This year she wanted to try INSANITY tried it a while ago but then was sick for a while and have not got back to it yet, but if I had to chose between the 2 I would go with INSANITY.
I am letting her pick, and it sounds like it will be what appears to be the least manly choice, "TurboFire". My wife is excited about it, and she is more likely to keep at it anyway. She is to working out as I am to trading.
The girls are hot... Hopefully no one will see us through the windows as I try to keep up with the booty shaking.
Decided to fade today. Not sure why from an indicator standpoint. It was based on seeing something in the volume bars highlighted, but with this new chart I am playing with it looks worse than it felt. I have so many things on the chart that I do not really use and it feels awkward.
Messed around with settings and colors to get a MP view that I think I like. The contrast of colors makes it easy to see groupings of value better than where I started.