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Man, that was a tense buy. ES was collapsing, but price was inside of yesterday's range, and was at a minor LSP in the time chart, inside of value on yesterday's ETH Vwap, had delta divergence, etc. But those type of entries will give me high blood pressure unless I get a little calmer in that moment. Stop locked, going to walk outside.
Back to back $2k days. Just sitting here flat, watching my squirrel.
Did a trade in the ON session also, for another 52 ticks on 2. What a week. My holds are improving, my entry is improving, my head is feeling level. My win rate still below 50%. I need a better chair.
I had re-arranged my desk to see the squirrels. Then I set up a 3rd monitor and really had some work to do to keep my squirrels in view. Then, added the laptop to the right for emails and other stuff, keeping that little opening, but something was still lacking. So, I removed one pane of glass. I use a clipboard and scotch tape to close the "drive-thru" in the evening.
The only one brave enough to stand there while I talk is this adult male, but the whole family comes by if I am very quiet.
I faded the EIA move this morning as it retested YHOD on RSI divergence, and I just saw it struggling on the footprint. I know that is a good way to get runover, but I have a lot of belief in certain things in the higher timeframe charts, and 94.47 was a prior pivot, and it fell right into a pocket with the major bearish trendline. That confluence is worth getting run over occasionally, to me. I had already sold the open and was ok either way, but in terms of RR and with the stop I took, I thought it was a good opportunity. If I am going to fade, it is usually better early in the day, and I know that a lot of initial reactions from EIA are false moves. It worked today.
One thing I do differently this year is I almost never use limit orders. I did not sell the retest exactly (as seen in the order markers, I sold the REACTION to the retest, which can only be seen while it is happening and does not show up well in chart posts. Therefore my entries are lower in the bar, and it gives me something to gauge my stop off of.