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Sierra has so many differences in options that is makes me put a little more thought into everything as I work through it. It starts sometimes by not even understanding what a setting can do, and then having it show me things I have never seen as an option. "I never thought about it" has been a mantra all day.
Like this, for instance. I do not understand the benefit of volume ladder. I understand the concept, the math, etc. But use it for something???
And so what is cool about Sierra, from a NinjaTrader user point of view, is that it allows me to .... crap, just got a business call that I had to take and it threw me off track.
It allows me to construct an indicator from the ground up, without having to understand writing code. Mostly visually of course. But we learn visually. I have always joked with my wife that I don't "read", I like books with lots of pictures. Get to it, let's learn, and I learn by getting my hands into it. Observing. My favorite part of new computer hardware is the quick start visual.
So I sit here tonight as I wait for my wife to get home, changing one thing's color at a time. Just learning volume ladder at a more graphic pace...
What I think it is related to;
1) It is only to be watched at key moments/locations
2) You have to see it while it is turned on
And because of #2 above, Do not really get the significance of highlighting certain boxes, and feel that there is the visual of activity speed that plays into it.
And yes, I get that part of it. But still missing something.
This thought is on a roll... To me, VSA gives me some intense immediate information. Right or wrong, that is the place for it.
So I cling to that instead of using Volume Ladder. But I see where the information provided by Volume Ladder could add depth of information to a concept thtat I already do benefit from, but I am having a hard time finding the blend between the two.
It's like I could stare at this image all night and not stop coming up with "what do I want to see?" questions. But I have not come up with an answer to some of them.
And, just to put resistance to this thread(... no, my mistake, that would be "support" since the post comes below the previous post), I encapsulate it with another... The whole reason I started posting on NexusFi (formerly BMT) was to force transparency to learn about my own weaknesses .
Yes, I did know the quote, but could not recall the scene. The fact you picked that up requires that I thank you for having me nearly spit beer out of my nose...
To re-phrase: The process is reducing the options by learning something about something, and then making a decision. And then listening to that decision, and/or obeying that decision, and/or having made the right one.