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On a day like today, you can tell there was a huge amount of selling pressure and momentum.. At least on my charts it was. You could see very fast moves of 30 to 40 ticks over and over. When Price is moving with such force..it can easily smash through all but the strongest support. The minor s/r levels come into play much more when the momentum is not as extreme. Low momentum..more reversals plays.
High momentum..Lot's of surges and breakouts of price congestion. Better to just take entry triggers and ride for fast 20 to 30 tick pops . I nailed lots of them today.
Market profile is good..but it's best not to lose sight of what is happening in the immediate moment . Of course..you know all that already..
Just a reminder..
Whatever the trading skill is, applying it to the right side of the market more consistently is the pursuit. I try to change mine, or wish I could, or wonder if I should do something different. But at the same time, skills, or awareness of something is a hard thing to let go of. It is so hard to get in the first place. So when I reach a point of trying to move forward, I find self-created instinct to be hard to tell from the real thing. Hard to change.