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Now, similarly I am strong enough to make her go, like by picking her up. (would not drag her as ES might CL). But the first chance she gets to head in the other direction, if I am ready to go, we could run all the way home.
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The price action divergence between the two is very obvoius today. But selling does not make sense to me yet, and buying seems like something I would beat myself up for afterwards for having known better.
There should be some short covering as ES approaches high. Trying to just be patient, see what happens. Price keeps fighting the edge of current value, but still not liking the price divergence.
I originally targeted to incomplete low on the TPO chart at 93.15, but still getting my head around that and wimped out today.
I allowed ES to talk me out of a trade this morning, something I have done many times before, but I don;t know what to do about it. Ignoring the pull is not wise either, and ES barely had to give up anything to send CL racing lower. Tough trade, even with the level of conviction I had this week. The market will wear me out sometimes.
Have some work to get done. Spent all day stalking a good trade and ignored the time.
This is the chart I used for my entry area today. Brand spanking new as of late last night, copying @Private Banker. It shows the value area of the prior day on today's action.
Sierra's performance report, called Trade Statistics, is very different from NT's. It looks like I will have to completely redesign my spreadsheet I was using for making a moving average. I wanted something very easy that used as few steps as possible to load the data, and built what I had been using to work with NT, but the data does not line up.
Sierra offers some points that I had not seen before, but as a trade off does not give the graphs. Not that they are required though. I very much like the "Fill to Fill" vs "Flat to Flat" option, the Average Quantity, Avg PF, Largest Winner/Loser as % of Profit/Loss. Some other things I am not sure if I need or not. I am hoping to make a new ongoing summary this weekend.
This version is "Flat to Flat". Actual total contracts traded was 36.