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Order Flow Analytics has confirmed for Monday, June 3rd
DB Vaello from Order Flow Analytics will be presenting a special presentation. Prizes to be announced.
CTS T4 has confirmed for Monday, June 10th
Brian Murphy from CTS T4 will be presenting a special presentation. Prizes to be announced.
MarketDelta has confirmed for Thursday, June 13th
Anthony Drager from MarketDelta and a 13-year CBOT member and professional trader presenting a special presentation. Prizes to be announced.
NinjaTrader has confirmed for Friday, June 21st
Raymond Deux from NinjaTrader presenting a special presentation. Prizes to be announced.
TopstepTrader has confirmed for Tuesday, June 25th
Michael Patak from TopstepTrader presenting a special presentation. Prizes include (4) free Combine's, and (8) other prizes to be announced during webinar.
Linda Bradford Raschke has confirmed for Monday, June 24th
A special webinar presentation, plus the giveaway of (10) autographed books selected by Linda, "The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn"
Thank you Mike for these amazing past years in the forum. Awesome your 4th year celebration in that giving fashion...Happy Anniversary..NexusFi (formerly BMT)
Congratulations on the 4th anniversary of NexusFi (formerly BMT) Mike!
I haven't had the pleasure of being around for that entire time, but only because I'm relatively new to trading. It took me no time at all to discover and then gravitate towards this amazing community once I did discover trading. Like so many others, I've learnt more about trading here than anywhere else.
Most likely sometime Tuesday I will have all 15 events up on the Webinar registration page, so that all the events can be registered for. I have to also create all the event threads and put together all the bullet points. It is a monumental undertaking.
Stay tuned for that.
I could also use your help to spread the word to traders everywhere about all of the special events. Please help where you can to get that message out on any sites you visit where you are allowed to mention it.
Congratulations on 4 years, you have developed one of the best trading resources on the net. I was wondering if you have the time yet for the Al Brooks webinar?