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If the sale of my HVAC Biz goes well, I will be in the same shoes.
I currently think the same thoughts as you in regards to investing my own cash and understanding that nobody is going to care more about my money than ME.
I realize that trading is much different than running my own Business. The reason I asked this question is I wanted to know if this one aspect of my profitable company would translate to trading.
My company is 13 years old. About 5 or 6 years ago I had an epiphaney and restructured my thought process of how we were going to make money.
Instead of penny pinching and cracking the whip I decided that relationships were more important than the dollar.
Bottom line is yes we made more money and life was much easier. The take away from that life lesson for me was be a warrior about making money but do it to serve a purpose bigger than my self.
Suddenly it was more fun.
I worked a hell of alot harder to build raport with my employees which translated to my customers which translated to more money, Which translated to me giving more money away.
The question is Can I somehow transition that into my trading career? (Maybe one day I can teach if I ever start to make consistant money)
In the end I don't think that trading can be about the money. I think it is a natural by product of what ever journey you on.
Discovering Yourself.
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten.
Celebrate because you executed your edge. Not because you won.
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People trade because trading is the oldest activity for profiting. Some win and some lose. There is no need to be esoteric and try to discover yourself to trade well. Just try to understand the other players, have a good system that is not curve-fitted and risk the smallest possible amount for making the largest possible gain. When you make a lot of money you will have time to discover yourself.
Too many people are telling me it can’t be done. No one is telling me why it can’t be done. The attitude is that the failure rate is so high that you shouldn’t even try.
If 5% manage to succeed then I want to find out what they are doing different than the rest.
I worked in the corporate world in IT for 8 years. I always knew I was unhappy in my career but could never find a way out. Although im a friendly enough person, im not an extroverted people person. Some people thrive on human interaction. Not me. I thrive on research, statistics, burying my head in a task. More than anything, I thrive on tasks that I do because I see the value in them and because they impact me directly, not because a company tells me that they need to be done. To say I hated working in the corporate world would be an understatement. I never felt a connection to the goals of the companies I worked for. Some people get motivated when management talks about company goals and objectives while working together for the greater good. I couldn't care less about any of that.
Trading allows me to be true to my personality and strengths. It gives me the freedom (and solitude) required to learn more about myself and how I view the world. It allows me to take my career in which ever direction I want.
I have found myself being a better husband and person in general because I am happier since leaving the corporate world. I now have time to read books on motivation, psychology and history and am finding my view of the world maturing as a result. This is something that never would have happened spending 50hours plus in a job I hated every week.
Trading for me is not about getting rich. Trading allows me to live a life more suited to who I am. The more I do this, the more I see how important it is for people to do what they're passionate about in life. Whatever that happens to be. You spend more time working every week than anything else. So why spend the majority of your life doing something you hate.
Great post. I wonder how many ex-IT guys who border on the introverted side become traders? Must be a dominant demographic. I feel the same way about my company and its goals. They're laudable, but I don't feel a connection to them. I often envy those I work with who have a passion for coming into work.
But now I have found something to work on that I am passionate about, and I intend to become successful at it. Good luck to all of my co-workers here!
I trade to get further liquidity....but mine is more following, as I cannot call myself a trader yet/.....not that I have not tried.but...not my cup of tea...
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten.
Celebrate because you executed your edge. Not because you won.
At first, I felt I had no other choice. I had to make some serious money.
Then I felt I had another choice, but no longer wanted it. Trading provided something intangible, but magnetic.
Now I feel there is no other choice. It is becoming what I feel the most comfortable about doing for money. It requires no employees, or office rental, no advertising, no customers or sales. It is the same feeling I had when I was financially independent once before. Free.
I am not sure if I can bring a post over from someones Journal so I will just tell you where to go find it.
Go to the Panda Warrior Chronicles and Read post #1710 it is on page 171
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten.
Celebrate because you executed your edge. Not because you won.