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Look further in the past for the awnsers, For the sell in May strategy that works far less then 30 percent of the time, over the past 25 years of review.
Also just from what I can see wheat looks like it slows down and starts to chop end of the year around November.
I trades seasonals mostly while looking at chart pattern,
There actually is and was a seasonal to sell on the third week in may and exit in the last week in June or first week in July
The whole week of June is seasonal down.
entry on third week in May about 683.75, exit about June 26 about 584.75, almost 100 pts = 5000.00 per contract
my be worth a look
additional if you just reversed your position, on June 30th, according to the seasonal, and went long until July 6 you would have made an additional45 pts on the pullback, and then went short again til the end of July you could pick up another 100 pts, this trade could have made 12000.00
Corn Exceeds $8 A Bushel For First Time In Decade On Shortage Fears
(by Tyler Durden / Monday, Apr 18, 2022 - 11:25 AM)
A combination of factors has sent corn futures in Chicago to the highest level in a decade as investors fret over dwindling supplies.
Corn futures haven't exceeded $8 a bushel since September 2012, following a devastating drought that damaged crops across the U.S. Midwest. Now supply risks return but for different reasons.
Wheat and corn are still very much in focus on the world market, as they are used to feed entire regions with the products that are to be manufactured from them. Current general future charts on Friday, May 13. 2022 without going into the individual specifics:
The following shows some data on corn and who is most dependent on whom:
Then next a small overview of how this looks with wheat:
In addition also this:
With the consideration of these facts now also the question arises, how then these products are produced best and in high quantities? For this purpose, fertilizers are needed. But what about access to fertilizer and how is it produced?
This brings us to the next topic, since natural gas is needed to produce fertilizer. Here the price spiral turns further, because the EU with Nato and the USA are at war with Russia.
The topic is to be observed certainly further sharply, since in certain regions of this world already first signs of enormous price increases for food and shorting of food of are to be registered.
Can I suggest you post in the 'Grains & Beans' thread rather than here. Has a lot more pages & followers as opposed to this very old and unused thread.