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That's a good observation, but there's more too it than that. People have definitely become worse drivers. Unfortunately, people seem to be dumber in general. They are spending too much time on facebook and twitter. I don't have a facebook account and I never will. The whole educational system is a big failure. We need to go back to basics like reading, writing, arithmetic in elementary school and forget the rest. In High School, more time needs to be devoted to Drivers Ed too.
More miles are being driven, which is one reason. The curve of deaths per billion of miles travelled is bottoming out - but it will never be smooth - or get to the bottom.
I think you make a good point about over confidence in skill level. Which I think also applies to becoming over confident in the higher safety of the car. i.e people assume they will be alright as they are in a safe car.
But there are plenty of other distractions in the car - satnav, more adhd kids = driving their parents nuts in the back seat, poorer health of drivers = more heart attacks at the wheel, more rednecks (evidenced by Trump being elected ) = higher percentage of people not wearing seatbelts, more podcasts = a deeper level of distracted thought while driving......
So, yeah, I agree - driverless cars are the way to go.
in the last months Musk seems to have started getting into politics, not only the US, but also EU (like AfD is "great for Germany", "UK government should be overturned", ...). On first sight, it would all seem to be just anti-system messages that help the populist tendencies in said countries. I myself live in a country where populism in hugely on the rise and the level of stupidity one can hear in the media is just on a level unimaginable ten years ago and people are listening.
I personally see some blind spots in the things Musk does. Tesla - OK, but cars are responsible for about 10% of CO2, so we fix cars, but concrete making and heating still will continue to produce. And going electric does nothing to the CO2 already in the air. Going to Mars - great ... but humans have not adapted over the last 100 years to high sugar diet + artificial light + lack of phys activity without consequence, so the idea that people will be able to live and reproduce in an environment with a different daylength, different gravity load, without magnetosphere ... is just kindergarten-level naive.
I am EU-based and I don't have Twitter. Historically, I viewed Musk as someone on a mission to "do the right thing". His recent behaviour, the huge rise in simplifications that one can hear from him in podcasts/interviews, the fact he sat down to interview with Carlson, makes me think something has changed with him. So I would like to ask those who follow Musk/Twitter whether
1/ he broke down mentally and has started to pursue his own interests regardless of the impact
2/ he was always this type and I just didn't see it
3/ his current actions serve some hidden goal (like trying to provoke change too quickly, so that the change is resisted - like trying to boil the frog too quickly so it jumps out of the water)
4/ something else
EU is collapsing trying to built socialism, it's not working, doesn't matter how many times you try again and again. So Musk is positive force to end this madness and regarding interview with Carlson, he is popular journalist with enormous following so why not, I may see him as Putin's butt plug but it's just me, in US people don't think this way.