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I compiled Collective2 as a type string.. changed to numeric and it works so far (generates the text file).. now to work on the wget part, thanks. You still have a C2 strategy going Big Mike?
I try to work on code on this topic to send a screenshot of a chart when a signal is generated, but nothing.
I find easy under metatrader:
Is there any trick to publishing on website a image file of multicharts when a signal is generated?
Been using this system for a week and it works well. Just remember if you reload chart or strategy it will generate all signals again so be sure you don't have wget on when you do this. When starting up... load chart and strategy, delete existing signal.txt file then start wget. Thanks big mike!
Folks I don't want to be off topic.
I try to use the function of collective2 to write a line of mi signal on a free website built on joomla.
I don't find a solution how to send.
A boys tell me to write a dll for image but it's is the same to publishing a single line on a web page of joomla?
Given that my current MC8 automated strategy involves scalping the 6E (Perry-like but using HMAs and a bit of other "discretionary logic"), I've added implementing a HttpWebRequest C++ DLL to my TODO list to streamline this process somewhat. I thought about going the C# route, but didn't want to deal with CLR overhead.
In the interest of time though (and given I'm using IB/TWS), I'm trying HighPowerBear (HPB) Signals ( Software) until I have the DLL finished. No affiliation, just kicking the tires...
p.s. I'll eventually post the C++ DLL (with source/docs) here.