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My own impression is very much that the other two you mention are "pale imitations" (with a number of question-marks over them, too) but very large numbers of members here have experience with TopStepTrader, and there are several TST-funded traders posting here regularly (and there are a number of TST webinar videos listed here, as well).
This thread, in particular, will doubtless interest you:
Michael Patak, the Founder of TopstepTrader, will be monitoring this thread so that he may answer any questions that you post here relating to TST products and services.
Please keep in mind that some customer service/technical support issues are best …
Attention, colleagues! proptraders.biz is SCAM!!! In russian trading segment people are already going to sue them! Be careful! Founders of the scam are preparing new so called "prop shop". If You will meet people in internet forums with nicknames "shtarkman" (former TST trader) or dengaz (same) be cautious, they are scammers.
I want to inform that the prop-company-scammers I wrote to the administration of this forum, but without waiting for a reply from them writing this message
we have evidence that all orders in the company's cooked in the inside demo server provided by these fraudsters by ATAS
We have 100% proof, there is an account in which money transfers carried out
deceived not only Russian speaker cluster members, but the English-speaking
through the company scam has been more than 100 people! If you have among the victims, I will give you a person contacts and a forum where to go!
or let the administration references I will add to this post on the forum, which laid out the circumstantial evidence, all the direct evidence sent to law enforcement authorities
if you make a translation of these fraudsters, please contact me if the administration does not help to put links or type in the search-in the name of this food and you will find a forum where there testopal lined circumstantial evidence, and there is a person, he will help you Solomon7777-it will help you
Most of those companies are scam. If you want to manage real money, you have to start with your own money for a while and be consistently different than other traders and hedge funds.
I'd say if you manage to do 15%+ of performance per year, while never losing more than 8-9% for 2-3 years, and that you're working with a serious broker (e.g. non-retail broker regulated in the US or in the UK, forget about Cyprus, Malta and all this stuff), you'd probably get 500k - 1m to manage.
Also, nobody in their right mind will give you money based on "demo" money. That just doesn't exist. If someone tells you this then he is a scammer. I've managed books of over 500m$ of risk and I can tell you nobody would ever take "demo" money as serious.