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Hi, I have searched the internet for a thinkorswim indicator that will draw supply and demand zones on a chart. I can't find one so I am here to ask for help on making one. Here is what I'm looking for:
//Supply Levels-
Fractal High (defined as highest high of any 5 candles)
Average Low of those 5 candles
Draw a line from that Fractal High to right edge of chart
Draw another line from that Average Low to right edge of chart
End those lines when price hits those levels
//Demand Levels-Lowest Low of any 5 candles)
Average High of those 5 candles
Draw a line from that Fractal Low to right edge of chart
Draw another line from that Average High to right edge of chart
End those lines when price hits those levels
could look something like attached image
thank you
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Def swinghigh = if high >= high[1] and high >= high[2] and high >= high[3] and high >= high[4] and high >= high[5] and high >= high[6] and high >= high[7] and high >= high[8] and high >= high[9] and high >= high[10] and high >= high[-1] and high >= high[-2] and high >= high[-3] and high >= high[-4] and high >= high[-5] and high >= high[-6] and high >= high[-7] and high >= high[-8] and high >= high[-9] and high >= high[-10] then 1 else 0;
Plot sh = if swinghigh then high else double.nan;
Def swinghighlows = if low >= low[1] and low >= low[2] and low >= low[3] and low >= low[4] and low >= low[5] and low >= low[6] and low >= low[7] and low >= low[8] and low >= low[9] and low >= low[10] and low >= low[-1] and low >= low[-2] and low >= low[-3] and low >= low[-4] and low >= low[-5] and low >= low[-6] and low >= low[-7] and low >= low[-8] and low >= low[-9] and low >= low[-10] then 1 else 0;
Plot shl = if swinghighlows then low else double.nan;
Def swinglow = if low <= low[1] and low <= low[2] and low <= low[3] and low <= low[4] and low <= low[5] and low <= low[6] and low <= low[7] and low <= low[8] and low <= low[9] and low <= low[10] and low <= low[-1] and low <= low[-2] and low <= low[-3] and low <= low[-4] and low <= low[-5] and low <= low[-6] and low <= low[-7] and low <= low[-8] and low <= low[-9] and low <= low[-10] then 1 else 0;
Plot sl = if swinglow then low else double.nan;
Def swinglowhighs = if high <= high[1] and high <= high[2] and high <= high[3] and high <= high[4] and high <= high[5] and high <= high[6] and high <= high[7] and high <= high[8] and high <= high[9] and high <= high[10] and high <= high[-1] and high <= high[-2] and high <= high[-3] and high <= high[-4] and high <= high[-5] and high <= high[-6] and high <= high[-7] and high <= high[-8] and high <= high[-9] and high <= high[-10] then 1 else 0;
Plot slh = if swinglowhighs then high else double.nan;
I went a little over board with the strength of the Fractal highs and lows
I have something like this.... Records the last 50 swing highs and lows.
Took over 2500 lines of brute force coding to get this accomplished in TOS though.
It took A LOT of work to get this done, and it's not currently available to the public, but I'm showing that it CAN be done.
Here's what it looks like on an hourly /ES chart.....
I do not know any free TOS Supply & Demand Zones indicators. I only know of ONE TOS Supply & Demand Zones indicator and it costs money. I bought the indicator and it works well. The indicator creator has good customer service skills and has made improvements to it based on my input.
I have looked for a few years for both free and paid TOS Supply & Demand Zones indicators. This is the only one I have ever found. I don't want this to appear as an advertisement. I just know that finding a TOS Supply & Demand Zones indicator is difficult!
I noticed I cannot reply to private messages yet because my post count needs to be 5 or greater. Sorry JT! I bought the indicator at customtos dot com.
I cant post the link either because I dont have 5 posts But simply google customtos .com and supply and demand and you will find the one they have for sale. I too have been looking for an indicator for TOS... and yeah.. had hoped to come across a free one
I'm trying to replicate something like this and this is what I came up with.
The problem I'm facing is an indicator can have only one value, so my zones get cut off. Could you provide a pointer on how you got around this please ??