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GBP became frozen, Euro moves slowly to its targets - >I simply wait both
Unfortunately I’ve missed the beginning of downtrend and hope we’ll continue falling down but before it could be a correction. Or Not. Don’t know. But I’ll close it before showed SL CAD
Looks like under the preparation for the next serous movement
There are some trades. I hope I was right and we’ll go down
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Gave me nothing.. just nothing I hope on the next week we’ll identify future movement
Ready for big shoot. Hopefully I made right conclusions.
MXN (peso)
Something new for me. As you can see I added more funds to this trade but in the same time I closed partially trades to hedge my shorts. Peso now has volatility same as euro had in 2011-2013 years.
My experience in growing up and I’ve realized 3 things
1) Make trades with serious money in direction of trend (trend is your friend): by doing this I have great statistical opportunity
2) If I don’t understand market – I just stay away from it and wait for my conditions in accordance with my plane. Market does 2 things only: accumulation & distribution. So if pair isn’t clear for me -> I just shift to another one!
Simple things but it takes time to understand them
3) Dont be too greedy. If market doing somthing unclear and I'm in the trade - better take money now (full or partial) and wait for better conditions.
As I wrote yesterday - there could be a correction. Looks like it starts. I take money off market because this is the end of the week. Lets watch how the next week starts