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Smoking anything is not good for you although there are some benefits, including better sleep and stress reduction. I've taken 2-3 tokes every night for about 3 years now. I could go either way with it though.
One of the 'conditions' of me getting back into the market this year was I keep my training consistent. Roll 5 or so competitive rounds w/ a good partner and stress is gone.
Cannabis burns at a lower temp that cigarettes/tobacco etc, and generally is going to have none of the added chemicals of other things you may smoke...so there's an argument its not so bad. Because of the legal status I don't believe that are many long term studies yet, so we may actually not know for sure yet. Of the studies that have been done, to my knowledge there are none able to show higher incidence of lung disease/cancer among cannabis smokers vs. non smokers. Cannabis is an expectorant...I do two or three 6 mile runs a week, I smoke a ton of cannabis before walking out the door an its great haha.
But as for sleeping....this may actually be one of the legit drawbacks, but again I'm thinking the research just isn't yet complete (how sad in 2018 we don't have long term unbiased studies to assess the benefits or risks of this)....apparently, even though cannabis makes it easier to fall asleep, you experience less REM sleep...so it may not be the best sleep aid.
If you've been using cannabis to sleep for 3 years...do you ever skip a night and experience much more vivid dreams?
They can be grown pretty easily and discretely, the web is filled with info.
I'm gonna throw out my unsolicited opinion: Although I advocate for the legal reform of this stuff, and it's use both medicinally and by healthy normals.....in my humble opinion...I don't know how severe your anxiety/depression is, but I would not self medicated w/ any of this stuff unless you're sure you have some other ducks in a row. Meaning diet, sleep, exercise, lifestyle...i.e. all the stuff that's usually a mess when issues come up. If all of those things truly are in order and the issues are still there maybe then they are the step.
I'm ready for a psychedelic experience. I used to house share with a dude who was into LSD and I regret not trying it at the time. He was unable to play me at chess when he was on his buzz because he got attached to the pieces on a very personal level and just could not bring himself to sacrifice any of his 'crew'. He called it a betrayal of their trust in him. Completely different story when he was back on earth though.
Yeah so just waiting for my opportunity with that one.
A healthy individual using it for occasional recreation is very different from an addict using it to escape psychological issues. I tried it few times (legal in CA ).