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I didn't want to rain on anyone's parade but now that you opened the door, I have to agree with you.
I had a buddy who was very sharp. Long story short, he made a friend who smoked every day and he started to do the same. Slowly, over time, he started to lose his grip on reality and became susceptible to all kinds of conspiracy theories until finally he was trying to convince me that Neil Armstrong never really landed on the Moon.
I could not believe I was hearing this from the same guy that I knew. I suspected it had to do with his daily toking. Then one day I read this article and it confirmed everything I suspected.
I was not prepared to "judge", mostly because my experience is anecdotal and thus subjective.
Guys Ive know for 35 years as the "subject pool" show me that folks that use THC or significant alcohol daily are the ones that have "issues" they cant contend with.
Notably, two threads run common in that fabric. Everything is someone else's fault. When it comes to life and money you always have better luck than me. These items come up and the debate becomes untenable.
Possibly frequency of use, that would maybe indicate a number of different points, when trying to make an assessment? Generally, I will say, that the guys that curtailed significantly their use of pot and or alcohol consistent with the increased drive toward challenging goal attainment and increased responsibility, have in fact done more and made more money. But, I would not generalize to say those guys are happier.
Maybe, like anything in life, there is a right balance between things?
I'm not going to take the stance that cannabis is some cure all, miracle plant that has zero negative affects for every single possible person, and therefore it should be made widely available/legalized etc. For the record I will state the safety profile is utterly impeccable, compared to alcohol which poisons and kills 88k ppl a year, or the legally sold prescription drugs which do the same to 47k.
The argument, for me, also is not that it makes you lazy. That's pointless. You know someone that smokes pot and is lazy, he knows someone that smokes pot and runs 3 companies profitably. Not a meaningful conversation.
Where I dig my heels in is that if this is a free country, then I should have sovereignty over my own body and consciousness to the extent that I do not infringe upon anyone else's rights or safety. This means that I believe I have every right to take any risk I choose with my own mind and body, for whatever reward I deem worthy, as long I'm not hurting someone else. Pot, alcohol, mushrooms, jumping out of an airplane, competing in MMA, considering a controversial idea or opinion, owning a gun...these are all "risky" things we should be allowed to do should we choose to. Period.
I actually completely agree with you on the legality issue simply from the perspective of individual freedom and responsibility. The details in the article do not exactly 'clear the air' so to speak, but I'm sure we will be subjected to dueling research articles until a final critical consensus is reached. Anecdotally, I know some lazy pot smokers and ones that continually espouse ridiculous conspiracy theories, but I don't know any that run 3 companies, so that's what I'm personally gonna go with. Nevertheless, I do support its use for medicinal purposes and i realize everyone's mileage may vary.
Having some footprint in gardening - family who had invented roofgardens with patents etc. - I am not smoking. But have just started a company growing semi-automated indoor CBD-weed for the health. For sure the results for people with cancer will have great effects. (Had lost cancer patients in my family - thus I know). The cure with clinic medicine is not helping people. Therefore some CBD or derivatives might help to prolong some lives.
That is my intention - and besides - it brings in some money as well
Of course all that is legal and brought to pharmacies and doctors with a bio or Demeter label.
In Germany the state has officially demanded some tons of legal weed for the health channel.
About the negative (psychotic etc.) effects I have plenty of experience - can only tell that weed PLUS adding alcohol is the worst.
Hi I'm John. I smoke cannabis everyday and have since I was in my early 20's, I'm 36 now. During that time, I also moved to Chicago and learned to trade, bought a seat on the CME, traded successfully and made money on the seat. I sold in 2010 and bought a business w/ 3 employees and annual revenue of 140k. Today that business has ~30 employees, two locations, and ~1.25 mil/year revenue.
I know a lot of folks like me. There are bazillions (estimate) of cannabis users out there worldwide, of every type of person. I'm of the opinion that psychedelics tend to amplify whatever is already going on with you. So if you're a together, mentally strong, balanced person in a good mood, a psychedelic could potentially be very meaningful and beneficial to you. If your some lazy dude with no job hanging out in your parents basement, smoking pot as an escape, well shit, I bet it'll help you stay right there. How bout a little personal responsibility for someone's actions?
No matter what, we CANNOT LEGISLATE GOOD BEHAVIOR INTO A POPULATION!!!!! We cannot legislate moderation. Trying to is silly and foolish. Prohibition of any substance that some segment of people desire to use is an attempt to legislate good behavior and it will fail....every attempt so far has failed and will fail. And the strange way of categorizing these substances....bizzare!!! According to the gov't....cannabis has ZERO medical use (tell that to the kids w/ autism or cancer patients who's life it's changed!)....yet anyone can have a cigarette!
IMHO....legalize/tax/regulate everything. With the new revenue created and saved....pour that into EDUCATION and treatment for addicts...and there will still be money left over compared to what we dump into the money pit/joke of trying to eliminate illegal drugs. What's the argument against that? That more will use drugs....that argument is a joke. Nobody doesn't use crack cause it's illegal. Legal status of drugs has zero effect on who tries them...just affects who gets the revenue.
I don't use THC because it is illegal in Illinois.
I recognize the libertarian view that some guys have mentioned in the thread.
BUT the purpose and the effect of every law is to legislate behavior under the threat of consequence. I'm sure there is actual data and more coming that will support objective (to the extent that political "leaders" are capable) reasoning. There is logical as well as clinical support that will continue to be put forward buy the "pot lobby"
IMHO I'd err on the side of individual liberty. If data shows a social cost or especially a financial cost, then I'd say cut that shit out. So, experience of proponents, like you...or detractors that demonstrate the opposite are anecdotal. Data, what does data say. Do "costs" of liberty, damage liberty? "Order", is certainly in the middle.
I do know people very well that have a similar experience to yours. I also know people that seem to have thrown away incredible "promise" to lay around and drink or smoke weed all day. So I think what is "inside" or a natural disposition could have a lot to do with it.