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Your feedback on these third-party automated trading systems

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  #11 (permalink)
ChrisTinaBruce's Avatar
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luiscristhian97 View Post
Hello folks,

I want to explore third-party automated trading systems and I would like to know your feedback before I decide to pay such large startup cost.

I have realized that Intraday Futures Vendors are quite expensive but, as you know, more expensive would be to select a firm that is selling smoke.

First, I am looking for a VPS:

Second, third party strategy that I am researching (order by cost)

Any feedback here will be greatly valuable. I could also share my future steps that can beneficial to all.

If you have other places that provide automatic intraday futures trading I can take a look.


If you need a VPS (SpeedyTradingServers) is a great service and the owner truly goes the extra mile.

As for the strategy/services I suggest first invest in yourself in learning how to trade. There is no Holy Grail.

The majority of successful and experienced traders all have stories of searching for the ultimate indicator or strategy. In the end the journey exposed its about psychological, risk management, and developing your own edge.

As with most successful people in any occupation the failure along the path lead to your own edge. My suggestion is develop a complete understanding of the markets basis (volume and price) as ever indicator is based on these two.

I wish well on your exploration and only recommending advice I wish I had followed.

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  #12 (permalink)
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Bobo View Post
Based on many pro traders opinion you can read online, Automated Trading Systems (ATS), also referred as Algorithmic Trading, for sale or lease, are not reliable.

Having an ATS on your computer is a potential disaster if something happens with your PC, DSL, electricity, broker connection, etc. and markets are moving fast because of unexpected situations.
An ATS should be handled for you by a broker.

Experts are telling that a profitable system in all market conditions will cost millions.

That's a broad a brush stroke as you could possibly make. Next you'll be telling us that every single trader loses money as well.

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Last Updated on November 18, 2018

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