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yes, this is what I understood from a video in his channel called "Trading Sistematico o Automatico: Metatrader o Multicharts?". He debates whether you should be using metatrader or multichart and he explains why he is using Multichart.
Honestly I have a completely different approach since he is a systematic trader while I am completely discretionary, so I don't know much about his system, however he looks like a serious person so I would like to use the same platform he uses, if I were systematic.
We looked into IB for forex and futures, but their application process was a nightmare, from our limited experience. After about 2 weeks (and finally getting approved) we decided to stay with TS Securities for futures and went with OANDA for forex. This was about six months ago, when they were getting buried in new applications, like many other brokers at the time. We also had pretty flaky data connections with them, losing connection multiple times throughout the day, every day. As an automated trader, this was unacceptable.
We trade business accounts, so it might be different for personal accounts. Try out their demo system first and be ready for a lot of friction in getting your account setup.
That is great! MC is a much better platform, at least for my type of trading, than TS. I'm sure it will work well for you. Good luck finding a good broker!
I too find TS very buggy and quite frankly ancient in regards to their system structure and lacking of newer features many other platforms are offering.
Made the switch for backtesting and holy cow, what a difference! What took 4-5 days to backtest in TS took 17 hrs in MC. Will pay for itself tenfold in developing ideas. Some aspects of MC Portfolio Trader are not as useful as TS Portfolio Maestro, but it might just be me getting used to it. I am not a fan of how MC handles custom symbol lists but I am making it work. The possibility of custom fitness functions in MC has opened up a whole new world for testing.