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What is the purpose of MC .Net in case I have MC v14? Where can I use it? Also, I heard the Ninjatrader-8 x64 works better in case we want to use C# for Algorithmic Trading? I mean the combination of Ninjatrader-8 x64 for C# Algorithmic Trading and MC v14 for Power-Language Algorithmic Trading is higher than using MC .Net for Algorithmic Trading and MC v14? As Ninjatrader-8 x64 have 1-Million add-ons and indicators and trading system development tools while MC .Net does not have any particular or similar ones comparable to Ninjatrader-8 x64?
Tnx and best of luck
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Please see link below on MC vs MC .NET comparison. As for MC vs NT, I am sure there are plenty of threads on this topic already. You will have to search and look into which one best fits your needs.
Thanks. I mean if I purchase both MC v14 and MC .Net what is the purpose of this? Can I develop Algorithmic Trading that uses both of them for one single Algorithmic Trading program? (As per my knowledge there is no direct method?)
You would need to first decide which programming language you want to use/learn. Both MC & MC.NET can do algo trading and you only need one license to algo trade. I purchased both because It was on sale. I currently use EasyLanguage for my algo trading and wanted to learn how to develop indicators/strategies with C# in the future. If anything I can convert one of my license from MC to MC.NET or vice versa.
If you have any further questions on MC/MC.NET please create a new thread and everyone can discuss it there. We want to attempt to keep this thread on topic.
About license conversion, I asked MC by email that if I purchased two MC+MC.net on offers will I be able to request my MC's delivered as two MC instead of one MC and one MC.net and they didn't reply to my email?! Are you sure there is a possibility to convert the MC.Net to MC thus you can have two identical MC?
Yep. Please see the two screen images attached. One is from the MultiCharts website in regards to the license conversion and the other is an email that I got after I purchased the 2-for-1 package (Easter 2021 Sale).
You can see in the email that I had 3 options (MC+MC, MC.NET+MC.NET, or MC+MC.NET) and chose MC+MC.NET. I wanted to learn .NET in the future so I got that version as well.
Thanks. Each Multicharts+ASP_v14 can connect to how many overall brokers for data-feed and how many overall brokers for order/position management, and how many acccount per broker(data-feeds and order/position management)? Is it depend on a specific broker on how many accounts it can connect to or all brokers have the same value in connection terms(e.g. for all brokers MC can connect to ?-account per broker for data-feeds and ?-accounts per broker for order/position management without specifying any broker name specifically)?