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I can't speak to why he markets or charges what he does or why he does not offer a free trial. Having owned a couple of businesses myself, I can say my worst customers were the ones who paid the least. They consumed 80%+ of my time while generating <20% of my revenue. Maybe he just doesn't want to deal with the hassle? Maybe he just wants to work with people who are serious? Or, as you originally alluded, maybe he's trying to screw people (although in my personal experience, it is definitely not the case). Or it's something completely different, no clue.
@trepidation - he is very open in the manuals about what each input is outside of what is proprietary. The proprietary components are key, however, to the overall toolset (imo). I can't speak for others, but have already mentioned I find DMIC useful. There are a myriad of ways to use the information and levels DMIC provides. I suspect most use it in conjunction with other things as I do (vol profile in my case). I like it for directional bias and timing. Also, one of my systems is solely based on a DMIC-specific setup that occurs some days in the late afternoon.
One of the big reasons it takes a long time is the sheer volume of information provided. He doesn't spoon feed you and it's not a "buy the green arrow, sell the red arrow" deal. The training material is comprehensive and he will send you marked up charts every trading day, but it's up to you to figure out what aspects of the tool you want to use. Like anything worthwhile in trading imo, it's up to the trader to put in the work.
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no their not profitable . after they have taken the 3000.00 bath and spent hundreds of hours of study, they are more organized than they were but not profitable . i have been there . you become menially dependent on the stuff because you have spent so much time and money on it. kind of like brain washing. it is hard to walk away from that method then . even if it does not work , you made progress . you re not being killed as bad.
I admire the persistence and know you mean well with your “advice” on what seems like nearly every thread that involves a vendor charging money. But you know nothing about me or my trading.
Would you mind sharing a bit more on your success with the system? BTW, I think it was you but maybe it was another poster on this thread who mentioned that he shares marked up charts everyday (?). I am wondering if these charts are additional supplements to the actual indicators, which I presume may be loaded on to NT8 platform?
I see Ninjatrader just announced an upcoming webinar for DMIC on Dec 15 in a couple of days. I signed up after the last webinar because I saw enough parallels between his appraisal of significant levels and that of Daytrading bias, whom I respect highly. The world is full of level setters but understanding the structural probabilities of direction during a day and the significant levels of that day is a higher attainment. At first I didn't have any reason to trust the DMIC indicator when it printed Classic Up day, or Classic Down day and other intraday clues which appear from time to time, and I tend to be stubbornly independent in my appraisals so it has taken a while to trust the DMIC software. One advantage of the software is that the DMIC indicator plots a separate panel and draws and prints related levels and text on the chart.
The daily followup that narrates on the chart what signals, duplicates, and key levels that signaled a reversal or breakout is useful and obviously takes a lot of time to provide that support but accelerates the education. I received notice as an owner of the software that in addition to a couple of more trading aids recently included in the software there is going to be some additional video support in training.
I find nothing scammy about the DMIC software, but rather the fruit of a serious student of the markets discovering repeating patterns of behaviour based on years of honest research.
I am a dmic user, but over the last year I spread myself out too thin on learning systems. It does take time to learn, and I'm hoping the new features and training videos will help. I can see the results every day, just haven't spent much time learning how to use it.