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Very true - congrats @lightsun47
I have a passport from there - that helps a lot even for business with nearly all African countries. Of course one can live on La Réunion (EU country as this belongs to France) nearby Mauritius. Very french though. But same tender climate as long as there is no "hurricane" season. Which is named Cyclone in the Indian Ocean.
Don't rule out Turkey.
Beautiful culture, delicious food, beautiful weather, crazy history and don't forget Istanbul being in Asia and Europe geographically.
Tax is one of the main source for Governments to fund public services and generate Revenue. Different countries offer different tax rates, Some implement high rates, While others levy very low to zero tax rates. Many Individuals and companies of High taxing countries look for Tax free countries to Live in. So in this video we have listed 15 of the Best Jurisdictions offering the lowest to zero Tax burdens. Residents of these places pay the lowest taxes in the world. The top ranked are full scale Tax heavens, While the bottom ranked are those with the lowest tax system in the world. However, there are several things to be considered when choosing a low-tax state, Such as the general lifestyle and the availability of residency. So it is always a must to do in depth research and audit before making a solid decision.