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Log values of your variable offsetPrice and the current Ask to understand if the order can be set. And check the point when you calculate your offsetPrice to take into account a bid-ask spread.
I do know that vendors have implemented it, so they have found a workaround. I tried from both a strategy and from an indicator until I finally contacted NinjaTrader Support.
it is possible the work around does work on some routes but not all, as well as some connections and not all. This may cause them to not add to the recent platform update.
You can manually, without any restrictions, place stop limit order with improved limit prices on the Basic Entry window. These appear on the Orders list (State = Triggered) and on chart trader (yellow price line). They are done as simulated stop limit orders.
So they do have the code in place to deal with this. However its bizarre, why NinjaScript API has been restricted to only allow limit price equivalent or worse than stop price.
Based on the NinjaTrader support response if anyone knows the structure to be supplied for CustomOrder when calling CreateOrder then please do share here or in private.
Just posted a solution to this on the NinjaTrader Forum. Unfortunately I cannot post the link here as I have only made 2 posts so far and links can only be done after 5 posts.
So just search for "Simulated Stop Limit order error" on the NinjaTrader Support Forum and look for post #12
I actually trade Equities using NT8, so some stocks can have wide bid/ask spread. So rather than entering using a Market order. I look to enter on the price I want which can be either a few ticks above (for a Buy) or below (for a Sell) the stop trigger price if its a fast moving price action or many times below (for Buy) or above (for Sell) for a price improvement where I expect a retrace before continuation of the trend.