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Were you watching "ByeByePanda" or "ByeByeMoney"? People keep using the names interchangeably!
Persistence! Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not ... nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not ... Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not ... The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent! Calvin Coolidge
I was watching ByeByeMoney, there was a Panda head speaking and making comments about the market.
Actually ByeByeMoney was 10x better than TradesbyMatt, he was explaining his theories and talking about markets, Matt is always chatting about whatever.
Today he made several 30USD trades using Nasdaq Mini, he ended the day with 300USD... the quantity in itself is not important but today the range of NQ-mini was 6000 USD per contract so if you make scaps worth 100USD or even 60 USD you are just taking random trades. All trades that Matt took today last aroudn 20 secs.... in a day with this kind of volatility this is not even scalping.
So for me this is big big red flag.
The only way you can know if they are good traders is if they do it live in front of you and these are the ones that I believe are the good traders in YouTube who have been live streaming it for FREE.
The ones that are worth watching to learn from is "relentless trader" and "the trading farmer". But they trade stocks and not futures.
They show you "how they trade", they show you their p&l, daily and monthly records, and they're both using their own real money.
There are also a lot of crypto trader out there on youtube but most of them are biased or extremely clickbaity.
I'm watching different channels and there is not the one who is doing it the right way but you can get inspiration and I already found some who are making good and accurate analysis which safes me some time with my analyzes if I watch them in the morning to get a quick overview of the situation.
I will throw in my 2 cents.
Trades by Matt I actually took a quick glance at and this guy is only trying to monetize his YouTube page and not his trading.
I didn't look at anyone else but if successful why would anyone post up what they are doing? If successful at trading the ego check comes from walking outside and realizing that with your skill and the market you just made more money in a day than most people do in a month. Then this continues and you can spend money like it's not really money at all on yourself or others.
Drop by the bar get that 180 bottle of wine and share a glass with a stranger.
No big deal it's 4 es points.
Want that rolo ? The 15k plus one?.... Check.
The ego trip from being right and correct to random people online is almost zero. What do you have to prove? Seems silly and actually with so many skeptics and even people who want to learn to trade there is never enough thanks or gratitude to stroke the successful traders ego because it never makes up for all the time and difficulty and self work that it took to get successful.
The reality is that a successful big money trader would end up resenting the followers because not enough thanks or likes are given. That's why dollars or points that can be converted to physical and emotional buys are the best ego stroke.
Money to successful traders is no longer money at all!!
Have you wired 250k to a Vegas casino before? Have you ever wired money to a casino before no matter what amount knowing you will want or need more than the ATM will give? Many traders do this! Knowing they will blow it and losing money at the casino for a real successful trader is usually very painful because he knows it's random as all hell with the edge going to the house casino rather than himself.
The only viable reason I can think that anyone successful uses YouTube to post etc is that they are bored with the mkts or they are still a work in progress much like myself.
It is a way to force yourself to trade every day to immerse yourself in the mkts. Trading is a lonely game until you have 1000!followers.
Another purpose could be to force yourself to play the game better.
These are just my own opinions about anyone truly being successful having live vide of their trades and methods. Normally when someone derives a secret formula or an edge I gambling they trade mark it and try to protect it!!!!
There is only so much liquidity on any given trading day
Now can you watch others trade live and demo and still get good infommsure you can but make it your own spin or use