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Any other challenge out? We should do this again! Did we get enough interest in it?
"The great Traders have always been humbled by the market early on in their careers creating a deep respect for the market. Until one has this respect indelibly engraved in their makeup, the concept of money management and discipline will never be treated seriously."
Good idea Sody.... I am out of time to do any indies for quite a while... We are doing a major redo on the yards and I am the chief cook and bottle washer.... There are some sharp trader / coders out there.... and I would bet that Ninja would be thrilled to have a larger pot of quality indies available.
We are bringing this NinjaTrader Challenge back to NexusFi for 2024!
Given that we have several challenges ongoing, I have altered the payout as follows:
We will award one prize for this specific event for every month.
Only new indicators submitted during the challenge month will be considered.
Winners will be selected based on popularity -- determined by the number of comments/ratings the indicator receives. We cannot measure based on downloads, as it is too easy to cheat. So we measure based on number of comments/ratings each indicator receives, as it's common for people to rate the indicator they download. We ask you to be honest!
Based on this, don't delay with your uploads! You are free to upload more than one indicator!
1st place = $50 Amazon Gift card PLUS a $149 Elite Membership free coupon to give away to whomever you wish.
One prize per member, resets after six months. NexusFi reserves all judgment on how to award prizes or declare winners.