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Good opportunity to add some exchanges/products to the suite? To be more marketable to people in Asia/Australia/people who want to trade those markets and time zones. It can be done via IB of course, but it would be very nice if NT Brokerage/pending FCM would also provide this access.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
One of the biggest holdups for me with NT was the ACH problem. I just bought the Life Time License and opened an account with Phillips because they allow for ACH’s.
The process was pretty simple, only complicated because of where I work. But for the majority of people it should be a breeze. I will say, through my experience the NT staff were excellent and helped out every step of the way. And we still got the account opened within 48 hours.
Will this deal make it easier for international clients to open Ninjatrader brokerage accounts?
I have inquired about Ninja brokerage before and been told that it is not available to clients in some parts of Canada.
I get it that Canada is a bit of a patchwork when it comes to regulations between Provinces but that hasn't stopped other FCMs from offering brokerage services.
Most US FCM's do not accept Canadian clients due to their view on the regulatory risk that comes with servicing these accounts, it is my understanding that TransAct is no different in this respect.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
Our plans are to offer brokerage services FCM direct to the consumer and TransAct is our vehicle to do that. In its current form, its not ready to handle the scale of our NinjaTrader Brokerage business nor the volume of new accounts we open on a daily basis. We are already hard at work to prepare TransAct for the next generation of NinjaTrader Brokerage. In due time, we will operate as an integrated entity.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.