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Yes I am in USA I just singed up I dint know, So you think was impotent for them to let us in on this? No of course not........Any way thanks for the info
Thanks for this question, this is currently private information.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
Sorry you were not aware. This is disclosed on the funding instructions a new customer receives, I believe it's been there for at least the last month. It's only available for US customers at this time.
Disclosure: This communication is sent to you by NinjaTrader, LLC, a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform.
I definitely understand the desire to "be part of" NinjaTrader via owning a bit of it. But dare I say it, NinjaTrader should always remain private. Going public injects capital, but it also surrenders to external market pressures that are rooted in shareholder interests, not necessarily customer interests. One might think they would be the same, but it often proves to not be so. There are benefits to going public, of course, but, IMHO they are far outweighed by the disadvantages.
Ray, keep going as you are. NinjaTrader has shown itself to be a leader precisely because it is not subject to the whims of "the market" but is instead focussed on the Market. Doesn't mean it's a perfect organisation, as I'm sure even you'd admit. But, from experience, I can say that having to "please" shareholders can, and not infrequently does, compromise the direction a company takes for the worse. So long as a company seriously listens to its customer base, it will have the most important information it needs to make good business decisions in their interest and the long-term interest of all involved with the company.
Again, I note that this is just a personal opinion.
I would say a larger concern is rising to the level of interest of a larger conglomerate, and being bought out and possibly shuttered to eliminate competition or reshuffled into a larger organization where it may significantly alter new accounts or license purchase options.