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I don't really know much about crypto, particularly how it may fit in with the regular economy, but his article gave me a little surprise and alarm, about the possibility of an old-fashioned bank run:
Trading: Primarily Energy but also a little Equities, Fixed Income, Metals, U308 and Crypto.
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I'm definitely not the person who should be giving crypto advise, but my understanding is (and could be completely wrong) ...
The largest stable coin is USDT/'Tether'. There's a lot of shall we say 'negative publicity' around Tether, with allegations that it's not fully backed. As far as I know Tether have consistently refused to have a full audit of what backs it. Tether have/are also the subject of several US investigations. For example ... https://coingeek.com/crypto-crime-cartel-the-end-is-nigh-for-tether/
There is definitely a school of thought that if tether were to implode/have a run on the bank that it could bring the whole crypto industry down. Of course there is also a school of thought that thinks the opposite.
The second largest stable coin is USDC/'USD Coin' which is backed (in part) by Coinbase, and has audited financials.
If I was going to be long a stable coin (I'm not) I know which of the two I would have my trust in!
Exchange reserves in stable coins have risen 50% since the previous post
taking into account the amounts that are parked in these coins do justify some form of regulation
that is just a mater of time in my opinion
Trading: Primarily Energy but also a little Equities, Fixed Income, Metals, U308 and Crypto.
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While a lot of die-hard crypto people are anti-regulation, the reality is that regulation both protects you, and opens the door for more institutional acceptance. I think both of these are good for crypto in general.