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Need help with strategy PriceActionSwingPro

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  #1 (permalink)
Brno, Czech republic
Experience: Beginner
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Posts: 22 since Dec 2020
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Hi all.
I make strategy and I can't implement "Sell stop limit order" place in strategy code

I need put stop limit order only when current price go down and cross blue line - it s price counted from red line.

I know red line price it is PriceActionSwingPro1.entryLevels[0]
and can count all other points from this line

My variant dosnt work - Price go up above blue line but order placed and filled immidiatly when price jut go up. Fille dwithout my rules. And I dont see my mistake.

if ((PriceActionSwingPro1.Entries[0] < 0) //My signal if we go down
&& Close[0] >= (PriceActionSwingPro1.entryLevels[0] + ( 5 * TickSize)) // If current price more or equal redline price + 5 ticks
&& ((BarsSinceExitExecution(0, "", 0) == -1) || (BarsSinceExitExecution(0, "", 0) >0)))
   EnterShortStopLimit(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), PriceActionSwingPro1.entryLevels[0] + ( 3 * TickSize),PriceActionSwingPro1.entryLevels[0] + ( 4 * TickSize), @"SignalDN");			

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  #2 (permalink)
Dunlap Illinois
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I am attempting to use the PAS indicator to code my own strategy but I am running into some issues/questions.

1) I'm working on the buy side now and I have successfully got the strat to enter a BuyStopMarket order after the HL prints but my issue is since the indi repaints, I am getting a lot of stop outs even with a offset Buy Stop order due to the nature of the repaint. Is there a way around this, or is there an exposed variable I can call on for my strat that will only look at the "final" paint value?

2) Also, around those same lines I want my strat to read in the volume values for each swing and based on a will either take the buy or pass on the buy based on some simple if/then logic. Essentially a filter if you will, to filter out not so great trades. I have yet to find a variable in his PAS code that will expose the volume info that I can use in my code. Is this possible? And if so, how can I also use it to avoid repainted volume data?

3) Thirdly, has anyone tried using this PAS indicator on Blackbird and done these more advanced strategies successfully? I'm toying the idea of giving Blackbird a free trial/demo to code this strategy for me and instead of me doing it by code alone but don't want to waste time if its not going to work.

In case you were is my SUPER BASIC buy logic I am working with right now......

// Buy Logic
			if ((Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
				&& (PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0] != 0)
				&& (Close[0] > PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0]))
				EnterLongStopMarket(Close[0] + 1 * TickSize, "long");
TIA for any and all suggestions and help!


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  #3 (permalink)
Michigan, USA
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// Buy Logic
if ((Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
&& (PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0] != 0)
&& (Close[0] > PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0]))
EnterLongStopMarket(Close[0] + 1 * TickSize, "long");

I tried this code in the NT8 Strategy Builder and it won't compile.

Is there any way to code this? Usually PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0] != 0 or PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0] > 0 or PriceActionSwing1.HigherLow[0] == true works.

I can't get a signal from the PriceActionSwingOscillator either.

TIA for any help.

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  #4 (permalink)
Michigan, USA
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I figured it out. You have to take autotrader8's code and paste it into the NinjaScript Editor - that compiles.

Here's the NexusFi page link:

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  #5 (permalink)
Rostock Germany
Posts: 6 since Jun 2022
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I already heared about the PAS Indicator and that it's open source. Can please someone tell me where to find the indicator? I wan't to try it

Happy trading everyone

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  #6 (permalink)
Campbell, CA, USA
Experience: Master
Platform: NinjaTrader,TOS
Broker: NinjaTrader, TDameritrade
Trading: Emini ES, CL
Posts: 2 since Jun 2016
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I just finished testing the PriceActionSwingPro indicator.
Nicely done. I'm trading Supply / Demand and Volume Profile.
Adding this indicator helps track market structure. The trick is in defining strength.
Thank you for sharing your code.

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Last Updated on September 8, 2022

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