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  #621 (permalink)
Honolulu Hawaii United States
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ApexTraderFunding View Post
It’s actually very simple, we addressed this already a couple weeks ago when this same user tried to make the same complaint. He violated the rules, went for big max contract windfall trades in one direction, while going max contracts in a different PA the other direction purposely blowing the Apex PA on one side for hopes of a lucky big windfall the other side. Then went to “flipping” a single contract day after day trying to ride out trading days and take a big payout, while never actually trading a strategy or system with consistency. Even after multiple communications and opportunities to be honest about what they did and correct it and admit to it, our request for specific information and screenshots were denied and we were presented with false and misleading information. This type of trading is specifically covered in the PA agreement and is not allowed. This trader then recruited others to be involved with this same scheme and taught them how to do it and split accounts with them each taking different sides of the trade to split profits but purposely blow Apex PA accounts.
This of course is not acceptable and not what trader funding is about. The trader did start some normal trading strategies after we reached out to this about this breach of contract. This trader is being paid out on trades they made after this once they contacted multiple times, but not on trades that were part of this scheme. Once this scheme was spread to others, in order to hide that is was coming from his own accounts, we decided to not continue a partnership with this trader or the group involved with the scheme. Even though large losses were taken by Apex due to this scheme, Apex Trader Funding will hold itself to a high standard and reputation, and will remain above reproach even though the fraud was perpetrated against us, we still have honored our side of agreements and paid out funds that were properly accrued, even though the contract was breached multiple times by the other party. This party has threatened us that if we do not pay them the funds balanced obtained through the scheme they will go on Social Media and that is what they have done and continue to spread lies and false information. This is blackmail and extortion and Apex will not give in to it. The rules are there for a reason, to break the rules and them go make up lies and stories about it is just immature and unprofessional.

Apex funds over 4,000 accounts per month and we have paid out multiple 6 figure payouts. We pay out over an average of $300k each month. If there was an issue with Apex doing payout, we assure you, you would be hearing about it from thousands of people, not just from the couple that broke the rules in an organized scheme and now complaining that Apex will not give in to threats and extortion.
For those of you that have seen his review posted on a site that looks “official” just stop for a minute an look at the site 😊 Thus is a scam review company that puts negative reviews out on any company that has not paid them a membership fee. They are not regulated by anyone. If we paid the company they would make it positive. They have scammed only 40 companies into paying for their fake positive reviews by saying pay us or we will give you a negative review. They have negative “not safe” reviews on the top forex companies out there. This is just a foreign individual who made a pay for a positive review website or we will post a negative review. The irony is it is a forex site and we don't do forex so that shows you how much they researched us. Also, the site is to review brokers, we are not a broker, as you invest no capital into an account to trade further showing they did no review. They are just trying to milk us for money for a fake review. This was caused by literally one upset trader who broke the contract and tried to scam us and was recruiting others to do the same. But, do not be fooled by this overseas fake site.

We also addressed this in last night's webinar

Hope that clears things up

Thx Marion

There is a lot of Vendor hate on this forum from inexperienced traders and young guns who think they know everything. Trading is a complex business, my experience with Apex has bee nothing but positive.

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  #622 (permalink)
New York City + NY/United States
Posts: 418 since Sep 2018
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Same, I've had and continue to have a positive experience with Apex

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  #623 (permalink)
Toronto, Canada
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stratblues View Post
There is a lot of Vendor hate on this forum from inexperienced traders and young guns who think they know everything. Trading is a complex business, my experience with Apex has bee nothing but positive.

Sorry, a little late response, but how can you consider everyone to be a newbie here?

I am not here to record my trades mandatorily and provide them as proof as to how I trade them?

Besides, with their 3.0 set of rules, it's even worse now.

There are plenty of other vendors with better, relaxed rules than this firm.

Good luck. And yes, please do not call everyone a newbie here.

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  #624 (permalink)
New York City + NY/United States
Posts: 418 since Sep 2018
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Looks like there's an issue with the Apex link in the footer. They changed their website back to

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  #625 (permalink)
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planetkill View Post
Looks like there's an issue with the Apex link in the footer.

Some legal problem, it seems:-

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  #626 (permalink)
New York City + NY/United States
Posts: 418 since Sep 2018
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Tymbeline View Post
Some legal problem, it seems:-

Edit: googled it and federal lawsuit can also be a dispute between two parties from different states or countries, where the claim meets a certain dollar threshold for damages.

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Last Updated on January 16, 2025

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