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Answer to this question, which is quit important for todays telephony:
160 years ago today: “The horse does not eat cucumber salad”
On October 26, 1861, Johann Philipp Reis (1834 – 1874) from Gelnhausen in Hesse presented his invention, the first “remote sound apparatus”, to the Frankfurt Physical Society. He proved the functionality with the transmission of the saying " The horse eats no cucumber salad" . Later, the American Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephones he had further developed. In Germany there was no patent protection for the inventor Reis because there was no patent law.
Telephone history: The oldest Berlin telephone book from July 14, 1881 Source: GenWiki The oldest Berlin phone book from July 14, 1881 Source: GenWiki
In 1877, the Berlin Postmaster General Heinrich von Stephan built a two-kilometer telephone line and a telegraph office in Friedrichsberg near Berlin. In 1881 there were the first telephone networks in Berlin, Breslau, Frankfurt aM, Hamburg, Cologne, Mannheim and Munich, three years later the cities were connected via long-distance lines. The number of participants grew rapidly - telephone directories soon became necessary.
DisneyLand is surrounded by marshlands. This presented a unique problem for developers. Instead of using pestisides they used a combinations of design teqniues to keep the mosuitos out.
There are ditches in and around the park which drain the water out and away from the park when it rains. All other water in the park in always moving.
All the buildings in the park are designed to prevent standing water from collecting. They have a subtle curved shaped so the water flows off the roof and on to the ground.
Instead of using pestisides they use liquid garlic. Apparently mosquitos cannot stand the smell of garlic. The amount is so small it cannot be detected by humans. <--- Guess what I am putting on my patio this summer..
All these inovations came from MIT grad William "Joe" Potter who met Walt Disney at the 1964 Worlds Fair. Potter had previously served as governor of the Panama Canal Zone, an area ravaged by malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
Such amunition the UK is now going to send to the war in Ukraine. No comment on this, since everyone now knows what absolutely terrible after-effects these weapons, even decades after their use for the population has to live in the areas where such ammunition was ever used. I remember only Kosovo and Iraq. If you want to know more about it, just google it and you will see the absolutely terrible deformities of many children and other effects on the many adults in these areas.