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  #11 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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The bark of the rainbow eucalyptus is constantly renewed. Under it appears a green layer of bark, which changes color several times over time. This from green to blue, violet. red, orange and finally in brown.


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Each time he participated in the set of a film, "Robin Williams" asked the respective director to hire no less than ten homeless people to help. In this way, he helped about 1,520 people who lived on the street and had no steady job.


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  #13 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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Where did "Bull and Bear" actually get their name?
17.05.13 11:27/ Stefan Hofmann

Bull and bear accompany the stock exchange reports on television, and hardly any financial newspaper can do without the animal illustration. Deutsche Börse AG has even had them cast in bronze and erected in front of its Frankfurt building.

Bull and bear are symbols, not only for Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt. The expression "bull and bear" originally comes from the English "bull and bear". The origin of this term is not completely clear. Various stories entwine around the two figures.

The mnemonic bridge to the meaning of the animals on the stock exchange floor is quickly built: The bull flings its horns upward, the bear strikes downward with its paws. Roughly speaking, bulls stand for rising share prices, bears for falling ones.

Legend has it that in the 17th century fights were fought between bulls and bears near the London Stock Exchange. In a downward movement, the bear strikes at the bull with its paw. The latter hurls the bear away with its horns in an upward movement.

History also provides another explanation: In the Crimean War during the 19th century, English troops were victorious over Russian troops. John Bull was the leader of the English at that time and their symbolic figure. The expression "run with the bull" therefore meant to be on the winning side. The loser was the bear, the national symbol of the Russians.

A version for adventurers says that a trapper wanted to sell skins of killed bears. However, they fell into the water during transportation and brought the trapper a "bearish trade".

Another version says: One hundred years ago thousands of daring men fought their way over the Chilkoot Pass and on the Yukon River to the gold fields in the Klondike. Driven by the will to survive, they gave up everything and endured untold hardships in the hope of finding great fortune in the form of untold riches.
To pass the time, they organized show competitions between a grizzly bear and a bull. The bull tried to take the bear on the horns, while the bear tried to push the bull down with his paws.

But the simple translation "bull equals rising prices, bear equals falling prices" doesn't quite capture the meaning of the stock market animal pair. For bull and bear describe not only the situation, but also the mood on the stock exchange.

For this, another story about the origin of the animal stock market pair provides the thought bridge. As early as the 17th century, those willing to take risks entered into what today is called a forward contract: they promised to sell shares in the future at a certain price, which they did not currently own, in the hope that falling prices would enable them to purchase the promised securities at a reasonable price by the agreed date of sale. So they sold the skin of the bear, as it were, before they had killed it. In this way, those who were betting on falling prices traded themselves the bear securities.

The bull as a counterpart came into play, because at that time near the London stock exchange as a popular amusement show fights between bulls and bears were fought out.

Depending on which faction calls the tune on the trading floor, the stock market news reports in English vocabulary of the bull or the bear market. This is important because a good part of the ups and downs on the stock markets is determined by psychological factors, by positive and negative expectations of investors.


(As the source was in German, I had to translate it into English. To make this quick, I used:


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  #14 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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Two personalities who would celebrate their birthday with us today if they were still with us:

- Jimi Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942 and passed away on September 18, 1970. (

Quote from "Jimi Hendrix":

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, only then will the world know peace."


- Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 and passed away on July 20, 1973. (

Quote from "Bruce Lee":

"If you're criticized, you must be doing something right. Because you only attack the person who has the ball."


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  #15 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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  #16 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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Montreux Casino Switzerland

Montreux Casino (Casino Barrière de Montreux) is a casino located in Montreux, Switzerland, on the shoreline of Lake Geneva. It has served as the venue for the Montreux Jazz Festival and was rebuilt following a 1971 fire memorialized in the Deep Purple song "Smoke on the Water". It is a property of Groupe Lucien Barrière.

1971 fire

On December 4, 1971, Montreux Casino burned down during a concert by The Mothers of Invention after a fan had set the venue on fire with a flare gun.[1][2] A recording of the outbreak and fire announcement can be found on a Frank Zappa Bootleg album titled Swiss Cheese/Fire![3]

The song "Smoke on the Water" by English rock group Deep Purple, who had planned to record Machine Head at the venue and whom the fire forced to seek an alternate recording location, is about the incident:

We all came out to Montreux on the Lake Geneva shoreline / To make records with a mobile - We didn't have much time / Frank Zappa & the Mothers were at the best place around / But some stupid with a flare gun burned the place to the ground / Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky...

The Casino was subsequently rebuilt, and during the interim the Montreux Jazz Festival was held in other auditoriums in Montreux, until it could return to the newly re-opened Casino in 1975. The Festival continued to be hosted there until 1993, when it moved to the larger Montreux Convention Centre located approximately one kilometre from the Casino. From 1995 through 2006, the Festival occupied both the Convention Centre and the Casino. Beginning with the 41st Festival in 2007, nightly performances of headliners were again moved mainly to the Convention Centre, although the Casino still hosts the odd one-off show.


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  #17 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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Why Web3 will Change Everything

Some notes before we start: the term web3 today is sometimes used synonymously to mean cryptocurrency, blockchain tech, virtual reality/augmented reality & the metaverse. I find that people already have a more intuitive understanding of how VR/AR may change the future. Therefore, I’ll only be writing about how crypto & blockchain tech in the context of web3 will transform the future, since it’s a bit more challenging to understand and abstract in its concepts.

Often this subject is explained with technical specifications or more commonly with political terms, ideas about liberty, decentralization, censorship, and power. These are all important; but what ultimately determines if web3 powered by crypto is the future lies in the economic and productive value it brings, the increases in quality of life it can achieve. These are the aspects I hope to make clear.



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  #18 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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  #19 (permalink)
Zuerich / Switzerland
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  #20 (permalink)
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Last Updated on May 9, 2024

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