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I've been going crazy trying to keep my machine lean and mean for realtime trading because I do not have a really powerful CPU (Intel I7 4600M 2.90 Ghz, Quad Core, 16 GB memory).
However, see attached....Look at these processes that keep on duplicating and appearing.
Why is that happening ?
Also, I can't shut down some of them like . They keep popping up !
It's like the game "wack-a-mole"....I wack them down, and they reappear.
Any solution to this ? I want to keep unwanted processes from becoming active during trading.
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Make a complete new installation of your Windows system. If I am wrong according to your operating system, just tell. But what ever you install new, do not use W 11.
If the above, as it is the hard way, may is a bit too much, then you may try at first this tool: https://www.bleachbit.org/
But be warned to not to use the tool: "Free Disk Space". Means: Do not give your cross to this possibility, as this will destroy your operating system.
If either of those two mentioned ways do not work, then you may spend some money in a computer shop to solve the problem what ever it is.
Thanks much. My experience is that "computer shops" are geared to hardware, not software.
I would need the services of a Windows technician familiar with Windows internals.
The processor you are using is getting a bit old - I also recommend staying on windows 10. If you compare the system requirements, windows 10 does have less requirements.
Thanks for that video. I would hire that guy in an instant. My experience is that you won't find someone like him working for the Geek Squad.
Still, I am looking for a comparison of application performance between Windows 7,10, and 11.
I have no interest in security or trust, etc.
No doubt about it. Like I mentioned before, I am reluctant to upgrade my hardware as I must then re-install AND re-configure over 50 applications.
Note: I am running Windows 7. My greatest fear is that one day service packs to any of my applications will have a warning:
"Do not apply this update to a Windows 7 computer"
I have two SSD's....about 4 years old.
Are more recent SSD's faster ?
If you would hire him, then why not contact him? I have recognized he even shows some contact info on his YouTube channel. Just find out by your self, as I do not promote the man in any way. I live at the moment here in Switzerland and here I know some pretty impressive computer freaks.