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Bot Trading - MCL Futures

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  #41 (permalink)
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I have to say from experience that @CL is one of the easiest symbols to create systems for.
I actually think that @HO is even easier. Now the question of whether you would trade them or not is up to you.
I have friends who don't want to hold over night and these systems are never easy to create and if you do you would never want to give them away for free. Just know that it can be done and most likely a single trader all by himself will not be able to come up with the idea without help. That's why I joined the strategy factory Club which @kevinkdog is the founding member.

We all have so much to give to each other but no one wants to give away for free. I like that @kevinkdog gave away a fairly simple algo here for you just to show it can be done. My recommendation is don't do this alone. Join his club and find out how to test properly and get all kinds of ideas to test from others. It has truly changed my trading life.

I will say that simple breakouts still work on crude with proper exit and entry parameters.

gftrader View Post
Curious as to whether anyone has been able to code a profitable trading bot specifically for CL or MCL futures? I have been working to accomplish this, and wanted to see if anyone else had a successful bot they were willing to share. Appreciate it!

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  #42 (permalink)
Los Angeles, California
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kevinkdog View Post
1. SetDollartrailing and SetPercentTrailing are only accurate with tick data (as part of Look Inside Bar Backtesting), so if you run backtest for more than 6 months (the TS limit for tick data history), your results will be completely and over optimistically bogus.

2. I have done a ton of research on the subject, you can find it if you look (I can't self promote and tell you where exactly to find it, but it is out there). Everyone says ATRs are the way to go. I do use them sometimes.

But Dollar values work better many times. Why? My guess is many traders think in terms of "I can lose $1500 on this trade" and not "I can lose 2.3 ATRs on this trade."

That is just my theory though.


Very good information.
Now that you mentioned it, I think I remember seeing that in one of your many extremely useful youtube videos.
For example: There's one called "Trading Tip - Which type of stop loss is better"

Appreciate your contributions to this forum.

~ BillW

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  #43 (permalink)
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Billiwon View Post
I think I remember seeing that in one of your many extremely useful youtube videos.
For example: There's one called "Trading Tip - Which type of stop loss is better"

There's the video's and then there is the Math behind the video's!

What 567,000 Backtests Taught Me ​About Algo Trading Exits

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  #44 (permalink)
Los Angeles, California
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SMCJB View Post
There's the video's and then there is the Math behind the video's!

What 567,000 Backtests Taught Me ​About Algo Trading Exits

Thanks SMCJB.

Regards, BillW

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  #45 (permalink)
 kevinkdog   is a Vendor
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FastNCurious View Post
We all have so much to give to each other but no one wants to give away for free. I like that @kevinkdog gave away a fairly simple algo here for you just to show it can be done. My recommendation is don't do this alone. Join his club and find out how to test properly and get all kinds of ideas to test from others. It has truly changed my trading life.

WOW, that is really, really cool JB! I am glad I could help, but I know most of it is due to your determination. I just helped you get on track.

Hope you can join me and everyone else in Cleveland for the next event!

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  #46 (permalink)
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Bubba1 View Post
However, humans are better at exercising judgment and understanding a situation of when and when not to trade.

An example of not trading would be an FOMC announcement when liquidity dries up on the DOM. Another example would be the pre-market reports at 07:30 central time. In other cases, the rational thing is to crank up the volume when things are working. The human's job is to set the parameters based on the market conditions and their judgment about how we should trade each day, each half hour, or perhaps each 5-minutes.

In my opinion, the best trading systems use a human and a robot(s).

With respect, sir, I disagree. In both cases, those conditions can be coded. It's been my experience that when someone says that something can't be coded, they simply haven't thought it through.

Many humans actually suck at trading, because they too often let their emotions - FOMO and greed being the two account-killers - dictate their actions. I've seen a post or two in this thread that showed the poster was a bit thin-skinned - emotion-driven people tend to not be good discretionary traders, and need machine assistance.

I know a guy who trains traders for the bank he works for. He runs them through trading drills - you see the setup, you pull the trigger. Practice enough, and trading becomes automatic, no emotions involved. Trade like a machine.

Now, take that one step further, and let the machine trade for you. This is exactly what he's done, and his algo has been making thousands per day, trading one contract on a variety of instruments.

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  #47 (permalink)
 kevinkdog   is a Vendor
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Guilty! Might be why I algo trade...

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  #48 (permalink)
Wichita Kansas USA
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I will not take it "one step further and let the machine trade for me". As I stated, I step aside during high volatility news events when most all us street smart traders pull their orders from the deck.

I am a professional trader who is not greedy or emotion-driven. And, I am a professional coder of many systems and have a huge pile of code with a bunch of parameters.

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  #49 (permalink)
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Bubba1 View Post
However, humans are better at exercising judgment and understanding a situation of when and when not to trade.

In my opinion, the best trading systems use a human and a robot(s).

Indeed, Multicharts has a "confirm trade" feature that can be turned on for a signal.
It will prompt you before you make a trade.
The downside of course, is that it delays your buy/sell entry.

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  #50 (permalink)
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kevinkdog View Post
No optimization at all, just a guess based on my experience.

Whenever I create a parameter, I am always thinking:
Should this parameter VARY based on volatility or some other factor/measure ?
In other words make the parameter dynamic instead of fixed.

BTW: that 65 parameter....why not 60, why not 70 ?

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Last Updated on September 23, 2022

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