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It looks pretty good.
It appears he is using a really fast moving average and he also identifies support and resistance levels.
Don't know what logic is present to trigger the trades however.
Also, what kind of entry does he recommend: limit, stop, or market ?
I have been with them for over 6 mths and have their GOLD package. It includes the UAI, scalper and the backdoor. This is a great set of indicators and he has a great user following using SLACK. The indicators work well on almost any bar type and timeframes. I discovered trading it using UniRenko chart types, and have been very successful with it. Others within the SLACK user site use 1-5 min bars. He has great documentation, including videos on how to use the indicators. Can't say enough good about the user base that is following his indicators... 5 STAR's company due to their indicators, documentation, support and user group...
^Upon having a second look at the reviews on Trust Pilot, all the reviews seem to be made within just a month and all the 'users' have positively commented only on this company.
The only negative review from one customer has expressed their concern regarding these reviews.
Not saying it's illegitimate, but it's too good to be true when you literally win 99.99% of all the time.
Besides, they don't show you which account they are trading, i.e. Sim or Replay nor there is any track record of anything for all the previous months.
I suppose this could be a follow up. I have had this Gold package for many months now. I dont know about other's experiences, but I am stopped out most of the time. The arrow prints, I wait for the close, but returns on me. It is discouraging to even go into Slack anymore because it is generally the same people shouting from the rooftops that they are making thousands of dollars, but I cant make 50. I buy a great deal of indicators and have not had success with this one. Things could change I am sure, but not positive at this time. I looked at the charts above, but I notice there are additional confluences on the chart? That tells me the indicator alone does not have what it takes by itself? Plus, as it was said above, you dont know if these are live or Sim. I dont think they ever display this. Just my thoughts.
I can't remember the name of one of the member on this forum but the post was related to the trading automation. The person mentioned that he has many bots and when he did the test the bots Haven't been making money consistently. The conclusion that was drawn is You need to know when to turn the bot on.
Personally, I don't have the indicators you have and not sure what signals it gives. My expectation is you can solely rely on any indicator. You really need to look deeper into it and understand the clear condition when the signal is working and when it is not. It is not easy and require a time. May be recording of the screen as well as market replay. Under what condition it is working. In short words it is a screen time + review.
Take a look at it from the different angle. For example, I have an indicator or bot that makes money. Why would I sell it for X amount just to make few thousand when I can make X times 100 or may be even 1000 times.
Even it is working for some ppl in slack who figured it out and it helps them to trade, who knows how much time they spend trying to figure out how it is working. Do they take every signal ? or they take specific signal that meets certain criteria? Is that technic working in a trend market or range ?
All these factors are important. In my opinion if you driven to scalping just get DOM and start looking at. Jigsaw and Axia traders provides more then enough information in their old videos.
I have been using these indicators for over 6 months with great results Three of my trades from today. I would encourage all you scalpers to acquire the trial and test drive this indicator.
He has a great chat group using SLACK that really supports new traders.