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The scope of the semiconductor industry as portrayed in the Media is incomplete - distorted and fosters the impression that Manufacture Foundries (Fabs - fabrication plants) are the be-all & end-all of semiconductor creation. This is no more true than fostering the impression that Apple products are of Chinese design, creation and origination.
The composite semiconductor industry is made up of 4 industries each vitally dependent on the other:
Design (US dominant)
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) - vital software for Design - EDA is required to deal with the vast complexity of advance Design (US dominant - Synopsys is the largest provider of EDA technology in the industry.)
Manufacture Foundries - Fabs (TSMC - Taiwan & Samsung - South Korea dominant)
ASML’s EUV lithography system is required for printing all the world’s most advanced semiconductors. In 2021 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Samsung and Intel made up nearly 84% of ASML business.
source: phylos - this information can be verified via relevant and bona fide sources freely available on the internet.
With 47% of sales in 2019, the U.S. is the global leader in semiconductors, though much of the manufacturing happens in Asia. Five of the biggest eight semiconductor companies are based in the U.S. While China imports vast amounts of semiconductors to plug into computers, phones and much more, its companies have 5% of total semiconductor sales.
What is a qubit? In this video recorded at one of our San Francisco Quantum Computing Meetups, Riccardo Manenti explains what a "qubit" is, and how we fabricate and operate quantum circuits at Rigetti Computing. This presentation is intended to give a conceptual-level understanding of gate-based superconducting quantum circuits.
While most of the content will be run-of-the-mill to those with exposure to engineering / science / technology / boolean algebra - gate logic / linear algebra / etc., it will not be so intuitive to those without exposure.
I draw attention to the minimum takeaway - the fundamental difference between classical computing and quantum computing.
The fundamental utilized physical property is electrical conductivity.
The performed operations are boolean algebra applications.
The fundamental utilized physical property is qauntum mechanics.
The performed operations are linear algebra applications.
Relevant books such as - Linear Algebra and Its Applications: Gilbert Strang - are freely availble in PDF format for download from a number of online sources. Use search term - bookname.pdf. Warning: before opening any download first unpload to VirisTotal ( VirusTotal inspects items with over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/domain blocklisting services ) - Click logo top left corner for main page - https://support.virustotal.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002126889-How-it-works
Free Boolean Algebra resources are availble from same as above and other.
In 1847, George Boole developed Boolean algebra, a fundamental concept in binary logic, which laid the groundwork for the algebra of logic tradition.
The introduction of linear algebra in the West dates back to the year 1637, when René Descartes develop the concept of coordinates under a geometric approach, known today as Cartesian geometry.